People walking on Adelphi's campus.

The Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities in New York (CICU) released a report on the statewide impact of its member institutions, including Adelphi University, based on the 2018–2019 academic year.

With direct and spillover effects, Adelphi’s economic contribution to New York state was $549.9 million, much of it on Long Island, home of its main campus.

While the pandemic has resulted in losses to many institutions of higher learning nationwide, the independent sector continues to be a significant economic engine for the state of New York. In 2019, the 100-plus institutions contributed nearly $100 billion to the state’s economy.

“In addition to our very real and substantial contribution to the economy, Adelphi adds immeasurable value to the quality of life on Long Island and in New York,” said President Christine M. Riordan, PhD. “Our nearly 7,600 students and close to 2,000 employees are a vibrant part of the region’s workforce, culture and community. We are partners with businesses and organizations, generating jobs and advancing shared goals. And, Adelphi’s campus and community programs provide vital resources for Long Islanders. In return, Garden City, Long Island and New York are part of the world-class experience we provide our students.”

Adelphi is one of 19 colleges and universities on Long Island, and more than 45,000 students enroll each year in Long Island’s independent, not-for-profit institutions, according to CICU.

Since 2005, CICU has worked with the Rochester-based Center for Governmental Research (CGR) to produce a biennial economic impact estimate. Independent colleges and universities in New York state contributed an estimated $97.6 billion to the state’s economy in 2019. This represents an aggregate 10 percent increase over 2017. In addition, the state’s independent higher education sector directly employed 193,000 people.

Adelphi’s President Riordan is currently chair of CICU. Learn more about CICU at and about Adelphi at

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