
Our President, Dr. Robert A. Scott has been a vocal advocate for innovation in higher education.

As President Obama spoke out across New York on his college bus tour, Adelphi has been preparing to welcome the members of the class of 2017 this weekend.  The issue of value President Obama outlined, has been a core value of Adelphi’s approach to education for over a decade and has recently been recognized by Forbes; the Princeton Review; the Fiske Guide to Colleges as a “Best Buy” in higher education for the ninth consecutive year; the President’s Honor Roll for Community Service; and a college of distinction among many others. Our President, Dr. Robert A. Scott has been a vocal advocate for innovation in higher education and shared his thoughts on higher education policy in this OpEd published in today’s Newsday

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For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
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