
In 1995, Eiseman founded the technology services firm The Lloyd Group. Today, The Lloyd Group is one of the largest technology services firms in the small and medium sized business market.

Member of Adelphi University’s Profiles in Success program.

The founder, president, and CEO of The Lloyd Group

Favorite Professors and Classes: “I really enjoyed The Italian American Experience and Creative Problem Solving with Sal Primeggia.  Creative Problem Solving is a class that I still utilize today. I also really enjoyed my classes with Greg Gutman.”

Fond memories of Adelphi: “The overall experience was so great for me that I can’t narrow it down to just a few memories. Adelphi encouraged me to thrive and be all that I could be.”

Advice for current students, or new graduates:  “Start building relationships and networks right away. My business is where it is now because I built relationships.”

Adam Eiseman, B.B.A. ’90, a native of a town just outside of Philadelphia, thought it was simply going to be another trip to visit some friends at their college. However, after he arrived at Adelphi’s campus, he knew he was there to stay. “I enjoyed it so much,” said Eiseman. “I felt very comfortable. I basically stayed that weekend with my friends and I walked over to admissions and applied. At the time I was enrolled at a huge school. Adelphi was a much more intimate experience. I liked that and I liked the people that I met. There was a lot of diversity and an international component. There were people on campus from all walks of life.”

After transferring to Adelphi in 1987 and enrolling as a banking major, Eiseman became very involved in Greek life. He was eventually elected as the vice president of his fraternity and he also became involved in student government. Not only did Adelphi inspire him to become a leader, but the University awoke the entrepreneur within him as well. “I started a valet car parking service and I had 17 of my fraternity brothers working for me. I also did some software development for a few companies,” he said. “Adelphi helped develop me. I enjoyed building the businesses while I was there. The relationships that I built and the intimate environment forced me to evolve as an individual.”

As a senior, Eiseman accepted an internship with a top accounting firm. “They offered me a job if I changed my major to accounting,” he said. “I think I took about 18 accounting credits that summer.”  After graduating from Adelphi with his bachelor’s degree in accounting, Eiseman moved back to the Philadelphia area to work at the accounting firm. However, several months later, the firm filed for bankruptcy. Eiseman decided to move back to New York and he began to take some graduate courses at Adelphi. “It was during this time that I realized I enjoyed doing IT work more than accounting,” he said. “So, I took a job with a company in Cedarhurst and I helped build their network.” Then, through an old fraternity brother, Eiseman found a job helping to build the network for another business. “Walmart was making huge investment in IT at the time and they came to the company I was working for and said they could take the business to the next level but first they had to invest in IT,” said Eiseman. “I was brought in to help build up the IT for them and I did that for about two years.” He then went to work for a software company. However, the entrepreneur within him was stirred once again. 

In 1995, Eiseman founded the technology services firm The Lloyd Group. “Essentially, we manage technology infrastructure, strategy, security, and the entire eco-system which includes all of the relationships, training, and applications for companies,” he said. “We basically help business grow by using technology more effectively.” As the founder, president, and CEO of The Lloyd Group, Eiseman oversees the strategic vision and direction of the company and he is responsible for all of the company’s relationships and operations.

Today, The Lloyd Group is one of the largest technology services firms in the small and medium sized business market. Under Eiseman’s leadership, the firm has grown to almost 80 employees and has completed four successful acquisitions of other companies. “Over the years, we have created hundreds of jobs and we’ve watched our employees grow. Creating those opportunities for people has been my biggest accomplishment and my greatest reward. That to me is what building a business is all about,” he said.

About how Adelphi prepared him for his career and his life, Eiseman said, “The biggest thing I took out of Adelphi was the social aspect. In business you need to work with and understand people. They are the most complex part of any business. The numbers part is easy. The experiences I had at Adelphi and being absorbed into that environment was huge. It forced me to learn how to interact with all kinds of people.”

Published February 2017

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
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