
Adelphi's first president valued international collaboration and peace.

Adelphi University has a strong tradition of promoting international collaboration and peace. Adelphi University’s founder and first president, Charles Levermore mobilized support for the League of Nations, which was conceptualized by his classmate, Woodrow Wilson. (To jog your memory, the League of Nations was formed in 1920 at the end of World War I, with the principal mission of maintaining world peace and was the organization that preceded the United Nations.)

In 1924, Charles Levermore was awarded the American Peace Award for “the best practicable plan by which the United States may co-operate with other nations to achieve and preserve the peace of the world.”  Despite Levermore’s efforts, The United States, ultimately, did not join the League of Nations and after 26 years, the organization was unable to prevent the aggression of the Axis Powers and subsequently dissolved at the beginning of WWII.

Adelphi University has always valued these deep connections to international collaboration and peace.


For further information, please contact:

Center for International Education
Nexus Building, Room 145
p – 516.877.3487
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