Below are Adelphi University Libraries facts and figures summarizing library resource usage for the academic year 2022/23. See how library resources have helped our campus community.

Studies show that “there is a statistically significant relationship between library resource use” and student success (a.). Adelphi University Libraries provide information resources, services, and spaces that directly impact the teaching, learning, and research mission of Adelphi University. Our faculty librarians, staff, and administrators work to make Adelphi University Libraries an innovative hub for the creation and dissemination of new research and creative activities.

Stone, G., & Ramsden, B. (2013). Library Impact Data Project: Looking for the Link between Library Usage and Student Attainment. College & Research Libraries, 74(6), 546-559. doi:

In Person Visits to Swirbul Library
Group Study Room Reservations

Meeting The Needs of Researchers:  2022/23 Data

Advancing Student Research Skills: 2022/23 Data

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