Brochures and crime prevention pamphlets are available at Student Affairs Offices and the Department of Public Safety and Transportation.

Annual Security Report and Fire Evacuation Tips

These evacuation tips will help you in case of an emergency.

Bias Crimes: What the Adelphi Community Needs to Know

Bias crimes (hate crimes) are criminal acts committed by an individual(s) motivated by a bias against the victim’s race, gender, religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation and disability.

Bomb Threat Card

Most bomb threats are received by phone. Bomb threats are serious until proven otherwise. Act quickly but remain calm and obtain information with the checklist on the reverse of this card.

Campus and Community Support Resources Brochure

Access the Adelphi University contact and support information, crisis counseling, and more by connecting with the resources listed in this brochure.

Did you Know?

Find out ways the Department of Public Safety and transportation can assist you at Adelphi!

Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking: What Every Adelphi Student Needs to Know

Domestic violence and dating violence offenses which exhibit a pattern of coercive tactics, including physical, psychological, sexual, economic and emotional abuse.

Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking: What Every Adelphi Employee Needs to Know

Domestic violence and dating violence offenses which exhibit a pattern of coercive tactics, including physical, psychological, sexual, economic and emotional abuse.

Emergency Procedures

If an emergency procedure is required, remain calm and contact public safety. Provide assistance to others if necessary.

Hostile Intruder Flyer

RUN-HIDE-FIGHT. How to respond when a Hostile Intruder is in your vicinity.

Lockdown/Shelter-in-Place Infographic

See how to react to a notice of Lockdown and Shelter-in-Place with both involve taking refuge in a pre-designated room until the emergency situation is resolved.

NYS Penal Law Vs. Campus Disciplinary Procedure

The New York State Education Law Article 129-B requires that college/university or other officials explain differences between college/university processes and the criminal justice process in addressing sexual and interpersonal violence.

Personal Theft: What Every Adelphi Student Needs to Know

Theft is the #1 reported crime on college and university campuses. This brochure is a brief guide on how to safeguard your property and what to do if you are a victim of theft.

Public Safety Information Card

Find out how the Department of Public Safety and Transportation continues to make everyone feel safe, secure and welcome here at Adelphi.

Safety Tips for Residence Halls

At your “home away from home,” Adelphi always puts safety and wellness first. This brochure provides guidelines for resident students to help support their safety and security on campus.

Sexual Assault: What Every Adelphi Student Needs to Know

Sexual assault describes all forms of sexual violence against another person by force or threat of force and without consent.

Sexual Assault: What Every Adelphi Employee Needs to Know

Sexual assault describes all forms of sexual violence against another person by force or threat of force and without consent.

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Levermore Hall, 113
  • Office Hours Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Sept 2: Closed Nov 28-29: Closed Dec 23-Jan 1: Closed
  • Command Center Daily: 24-hour coverage
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