Adelphi University expects our affiliated faculty researchers and principal investigators to uphold the highest standards of ethics.

The University and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) provide the following policies to help ensure you’re adhering to all legal, ethical and safety requirements set forth by various authoritative agencies.

Adelphi University expects and demands the highest ethical standards in the conduct of research by its faculty, students and staff in all its sites and in collaboration with other educational institutions, agencies and organizations. While respecting the right of the researcher to full academic freedom in research, Adelphi is firmly committed to adhering to the basic ethical principles underlying the acceptable conduct of research involving human subjects, as set forth in “The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research.” 

The University has provided the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) a Federal-wide Assurance of compliance with the ethical principles and regulations governing research with human subjects. This Federal-wide Assurance is written documentation of our commitment to comply with local and federal laws and regulations governing human research.

See full Research Misconduct Policy

Adelphi University is committed to providing and ensuring an academic environment that supports and facilitates teaching, creativity and scholarly research. The University recognizes its primary obligation in conducting research is to ensure the pursuit of knowledge for public benefit. In addition, the University acknowledges that its relationship to the faculty is not a simple employer-employee association, but rather a collaborative partnership. This policy is intended to demonstrate the University’s support of academic freedom, provide an incentive for engaging in research, and facilitate the creative works of faculty, staff and students.

This Patent Policy acknowledges the contributions of the creators and the University, assures a fair distribution of any benefits arising from activities in which the University and its members are jointly engaged, including public recognition of activities, and specifies equitable financial remuneration resulting from such activities. It seeks to articulate and balance all parties’ interests in a fair, manageable and productive manner that exemplifies Adelphi University’s commitment to building intellectual capital among the University community and beyond.

Patentable intellectual property refers to any patentable device or process as defined by the US Patent and Trademark Office, or any other relevant national or international authority.

See full Patent Policy

The following objectives shall govern the development and application of the University’s Copyright Policy:

Encourage the concept that copyrightable works produced at the University should be used for the greatest possible public benefit;

Specify the University’s responsibilities and privileges to encourage and promote intellectual scholarship and creativity;

Specify the responsibilities and privileges of faculty, staff and students, and any other person listed above who creates a copyrightable work that falls under this policy when creating and using copyrightable works that utilize University resources, facilities and/or funds; and,

Clarify copyright ownership rights.

See full Copyright Policy

Adelphi University supports its faculty in pursuing research for the public good. To ensure the highest quality research free from bias and financial conflict of interest (FCOI), the University has designed and implemented the following policy based upon federal guidelines.

See full Financial Conflict of Interest Policy


Adelphi University regards the use of animals in research, teaching and testing to be an integral component of continued progress in science, education and agriculture. The University expects all of its animal facilities and programs to maintain the highest standards of animal care and use, and to be operated in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, policies and guidelines.

See full Institutional Animal Care and Use Policy

Review the Animal Use Protocol (PDF)


Adelphi University’s faculty is engaged in a wide spectrum of research. To ensure humane treatment for animals used in the research process, the University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) was established in accord with the Health Research Extension Act of 1985 (PDF). The committee, licensed with New York State, is chaired by Dr. Matthias Foellmer, biology, and its faculty members are: Dr. Tandra Chakraborty, biology; Dr. Alan Schoenfeld, biology; Dr. Andrea Ward, biology; consulting veterinarian Dr. Angela DeVito, DVM; external member John Salig, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; and administrators Dr. Mary Cortina and Dr. John Hunter.

The Health Research Extension Act requires IACUCs to have procedures for the proper care and treatment of animals used in biomedical and behavioral research. That care involves policy and procedure for the use of tranquilizers, analgesics, anesthetics, paralytics and euthanasia of animals, as well as appropriate presurgical and postsurgical medical care.

The committee meets biannually in November and March.

It is the policy of Adelphi University that all costs proposed or incurred on a sponsored project comply with sponsor terms and conditions, Adelphi policies and procedures and applicable federal, state and local regulations. Adelphi administers direct and indirect costs, on sponsored projects, in accordance with federal and other sponsor requirements. 

The Principal Investigator (PI) is ultimately responsible for ensuring appropriate financial management, compliance with sponsor terms and conditions, and determining actual effort expended on a sponsored project.

See full Costing Policy

The University has a responsibility to manage the sponsored projects’ life cycle, to comply with policies and to close out the completed sponsored projects in a timely and accurate manner.

See full Management Policy

The University requires that the Office of Research, Assessment and Planning (ORAP) coordinates the surveying of Adelphi’s students, faculty, staff, graduates and alumni by use of a central survey tracking system. If your research includes distributing a survey to any of these aforementioned constituent groups, after you apply to and receive approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB), you will need to register your survey with ORAP.

See Registrant Requirements

Dawn Grzan
Director of Research and Sponsored Programs
Phone Number
Levermore Hall 307D
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