Date & Time: November 16, 2023 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Location: Ruth S. Harley University Center, Lobby

As the Levermore Global Scholars (LGS) seeks to revive our UNA-USA chapter, we will be raising awareness about the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

This semester, we are starting with Goal #1 – The Eradication of Poverty. We will have a poster board with statistics about poverty and also provide markers for participants to come up to the table and add additional information or statistics. Besides raising awareness, we will be collecting monetary donations for Glory House.

For those who are not familiar, Glory House is a non-profit based out of Hempstead that operates as a shelter, helping those with nowhere to go. These are often overlooked members of our society that deal with poverty and its side effects daily. Many of Glory House’s participants have previously dealt with substance abuse issues, domestic violence, or were formerly incarcerated. Last year we sent $500 worth of toiletries and supplies to them! 

For any questions please contact International Services at

Sponsored by the Levermore Global Scholars. This event is part of the International Education Week at Adelphi University.

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