In the event that an emergency occurs on campus, the Department of Public Safety may choose to call upon our volunteer Panther Emergency Support Team (PEST) to augment the Department’s response capabilities.

Panther Emergency Support Team: PEST

PEST is an all-volunteer group of Adelphi administration and staff members trained to support the Department and local first responders during an emergency on campus. They may provide assistance in operating phone banks, staffing the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), or supporting Public Safety officers at the scene of an incident.

The volunteer PEST program is implemented by the Department of Public Safety and Transportation. All volunteers are provided training for disaster preparedness and hazards that may impact our Adelphi community, including:

  • The Adelphi University Emergency Operations Plan
  • National Incident Management System (NIMS)
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Scene Size Up for Safety
  • Incident Command Structure (team organization)
  • Emergency Medical Operations
  • Mobile Command Vehicle
  • Emergency Phone Bank
  • Procedures for Media and Public Inquiries

Volunteer PEST members are expected to be actively ready to support our community during an emergency. To ensure all members are current with their training and skills, the Department of Public Safety will provide periodic refresher courses and new ones that are developed. Volunteers will also participate in Public Safety emergency drills to practice these skills.

All non-faculty staff members are invited to complete the form below to inquire about volunteering for Adelphi University’s PESTA Public Safety team member will be in touch to provide details and we will match you with a meaningful volunteer role. 

Thank you for being an important part of Adelphi’s safe and secure environment. 

Volunteer for Adelphi University’s Panther Emergency Support Team.


Sign Up for PEST

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Phone Number
More Info
Levermore Hall, 113
  • Office Hours Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Sept 2: Closed Nov 28-29: Closed Dec 23-Jan 1: Closed
  • Command Center Daily: 24-hour coverage
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