Date & Time: July 29 11:00am – 12:30pm
Location: Virtual

Faculty members are essential to promoting student well-being, which is critical for academic success. Gain the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to support your students effectively.

This workshop aims to provide faculty with an understanding of various factors contributing to student stress, including poor physical or mental health, a heavy academic workload, and the balance of social, environmental, or financial challenges.

Participants will learn strategies for proactively creating a supportive and inclusive classroom, how to recognize signs of distress in students, and where to guide them for both on and off-campus support. This workshop will also cover techniques for promoting self-compassion and resilience among students, fostering a sense of community, and cultivating a growth mindset.


  • Amanda Oppel, Assistant Director of Health and Wellness Outreach, Prevention, and Training
  • Erik Fox-Jackson, Interactive Learning Designer

This event is for Adelphi University faculty. This workshop will not be recorded.

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