How and Why is “Hate Speech” Protected on Campuses?
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Join SGA to explore the complexities of free speech and its boundaries, considering concepts like hate speech, incitement, threats, and harassment during Freedom of Expression Week.
Organized by Adelphi University’s Student Government Organization, this Freedom of Expression Week discussion will explore the boundaries of free speech by looking at the concepts of hate speech, incitement of violence, threats, and harassment.
We’ll discuss how the right to free expression is challenged by varying interests, including the interest to protect vulnerable communities while allowing for diverse viewpoints.
This event is part of Adelphi University’s Freedom of Expression Week Symposium, hosted by the Student Government Association (SGA), and the Division of Student Affairs, in collaboration with The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) and Voices for Liberty.
For more information, please contact Joseph De Gearo, MBA ’96, PhD ’22 at