Policy Statement

This policy references the Respiratory Protection program for the university. This policy shall cover all Adelphi University employees who are required to wear respiratory protection during work activities.

Reason for Policy

The purpose of the Respiratory Protection policy is to ensure that all employees have adequate respiratory protection in the workplaces on the Adelphi University campus where engineering controls or work practices that are inadequate or not feasible to reduce the exposure to airborne contaminants.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Staff and Administration


  • Only half -face, full- face, and powered air purifying respirators will be used by employees at Adelphi University.
  • NO SCBA and airline type respirators can be utilized on this campus.
  • In all cases, engineering controls must be considered first and foremost and implemented to the extent that they are feasible.
  • All employees required to wear respirators must fill out a medical questionnaire and be fit-tested to wear the chosen respirator.


See respiratory definitions in the Respiratory Protection program. The program is on the Environmental Health & Safety webpage of the University.


Refer to the Respiratory Protection Program for all managers’ responsibilities for this policy.

The program lays out the responsibilities for the Program Administrator, Departmental Supervisory Personnel, the employee, and the Healthcare Professional performing the medical questionnaire.


View OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire

Related Information

Refer to the Respiratory Protection Program prior to wearing any respirator.

This policy does not have related information at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.

Document History

  • Last Reviewed Date: February 08, 2023
  • Last Revised Date:February 08, 2023
  • Policy Origination Date: Not known

Who Approved This Policy

Sentwali Bakari, Vice President for Student Affairs and Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging

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