Constituent Fundraising
Insures that the receipt of gifts advances the University’s mission and is done in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal statutes.
Policy Statement
The policies and procedures set forth in this document are intended to assist and guide the activities of University personnel who are involved with constituent fundraising at Adelphi.
Reason for Policy
These policies and procedures are intended to provide a standardized and consistent approach to the constituent fundraising that protects our good relationships with the many alumni, friends, corporations, foundations, and others who benefit Adelphi through their philanthropy.
It also insures that the receipt of gifts advances the University’s mission and is done in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal statutes. The guidelines are designed with sufficient flexibility to accommodate complex or unpredictable gift situations and donor expectations within the constraint of consistency with the University’s mission and policies.
Who Is Governed by this Policy
I. Introduction
The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement, University and academic leadership including the Board of Trustees, the colleges, schools, programs, athletics and volunteers (constituent fundraisers) are committed to promoting financial support for the University. All constituent fundraising programs are subject to the procedures contained in this policy statement.
II. Office of the Vice President of University Advancement
The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement may be directed or affected in the following forms:
- Annual Giving: All Annual Giving Programs will operate under the auspices of the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement. The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement will be responsible for the design and implementation of all annual giving strategies.
- Memorial and Tribute Giving: A Memorial and Tribute Giving Programs will operate under the auspices of the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement. The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement is responsible for the development of information, materials, acknowledgments, and stewardship of funds received.
- Special Events: The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement must approve all sponsored or endorsed special events that benefit the Adelphi University or affiliates. The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement distinguishes between “sponsored” and “endorsed” events.
- “Sponsored” events are generally those managed by the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement staff and rely on leadership of the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement, Society members, individuals, and corporations. These events will be limited in number so as not to overdo requests of individuals and corporations.
- “Endorsed” events are those for which the event sponsors and the name of Adelphi University have identified other constituencies or one of its affiliates is to be used in conjunction with the event. The degree of the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement support and participation will be determined in advance. In order for an event to be sponsored or endorsed by Adelphi University, the Special Assistant to the President, Office of External Affairs of Adelphi University must approve the purpose, audience, format, budget and financial projections. All funds raised through an event will be used for approved projects as reflected in the strategic plans of Adelphi University. Occasionally groups in the community that wish to make Adelphi University and/or affiliates beneficiary of a fundraising activity or event approach the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement. In those instances, the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement staff shall connect the organization’s representatives with the Office of External Relations. to explain the University’s guidelines. If a group or organization agrees to adhere to these guidelines, the Office of External Relations may endorse the event. Neither the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement or the Office of External Relations will provide mailing labels or lists for invitations to events or activities that have not been approved by the Office of External Relations.
- Principal, Major, and Planned Gifts: Principal Gifts, Major Gifts and Planned Giving Programs will operate under the direction of the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement. Solicitation for principal, major and planned gifts will be made at the discretion of the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement with Adelphi University leadership and Board oversight.
- Sponsored Grant Proposals: The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement will coordinate grant proposals for sponsored programs.
- Other Grant Proposals: The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement will act as the central clearinghouse for all other grant proposals submitted in the name of any not-for-profit entity, program, or service of Adelphi University. Grant proposals shall require the approval of the respective area of need and be signed by Advancement management.
III. Fund Management Guidelines
- Gift Processing: All Adelphi University departments and affiliates are responsible for forwarding to the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement all checks and accompanying material and information regarding charitable contributions (cash, securities, capital, in-kind, etc.), including any written designation instructions from the donors. The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement staff is responsible for entering gift information in the donor record and assuring contributions are credited to the proper fund. Restrictions on charitable gifts by donors must be approved by the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement prior to acceptance of the gift.
- Donor Recognition and Acknowledgements: All recognition and acknowledgments of gifts and/or pledges of future gifts will be coordinated by the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement. In order to fulfill Internal Revenue Service requirements, the Office of the Vice President of University Advancement receipts all charitable gifts for Adelphi University, affiliates, subsidiaries, or any one of its individual units or departments.
- Donor Database: The Office of the Vice President of University Advancement maintains a confidential database containing demographic, financial, and statistical information on students, parents, alumni, donors and prospects.
This policy does not have definitions associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.
This policy does not have forms associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.
Related Information
This policy does not have related information at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.
Document History
- Last Reviewed Date: December 29, 2017
- Last Revised Date: December 29, 2017
- Policy Origination Date: Unknown
Who Approved This Policy
Brady Crook, Vice President, University Advancement