Core principles and standards with respect to compliance at Adelphi University.

Policy Statement

This policy sets forth core principles and standards with respect to compliance at Adelphi University.

Reason for Policy

The reason for this policy is to clearly define the University’s’ approach towards compliance and the potential consequences for noncompliance.

Who Is Governed by this Policy

Faculty, Staff, and Students


Students are expected to comply promptly with any written or verbal directive from faculty, staff, or administrative members of the University community who are acting in accordance with their responsibilities, and within their authority, as officials of Adelphi University. Failure to comply as directed could result in suspension from the University.


Student: A student is any currently enrolled person (or person enrolled at the time of an alleged violation) for whom the institution maintains education records, as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and related regulations. A person who is currently not enrolled, but who is still pursuing a degree and has not withdrawn from the University (e.g., between fall and spring semester, over the summer, while studying abroad) is considered a student for the purpose of this Code. A person who was a student at the time of an incident is considered a student for the purpose of this Code.


This policy does not have forms associated with it at this time. Upon periodic policy review this area will be evaluated to determine if additional information is needed to supplement the policy.

Related Information

Adelphi University Code of Conduct, ARTICLE III – EXPECTATIONS AND COMMUNITY STANDARDS addresses prohibited behavior.

Document History

  • Last Reviewed Date: July 12, 2023
  • Last Revised Date: July 12, 2023
  • Policy Origination Date: Unknown

Who Approved This Policy

Sentwali Bakari, Vice President for Student Affairs and Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging

Policy Owner

Policy Expert

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