Library Buildings, Rooms, and Spaces
A list of library rooms and spaces available for use and specific instructions for each of them.
Looking for a place to study or gather? See the list of library rooms and spaces available for use to the Adelphi University community. You can also find maps of each floor and the Library Holdings Guide.
Note: For those who have a vision impairment, we recommend downloading an app such as Be My Eyes which can better help you navigate than a traditional map.
Swirbul Library Rooms and Spaces
Adelphi University’s Swirbul Library is a great place to study or gather. Launch Gallery
Swirbul Library Rooms and Spaces
Adelphi University’s Swirbul Library is a great place to study or gather. 13 Photos-
Classroom 100 – Swirbul Library, First Floor
Classroom 101 – Swirbul Library – First Floor
Collaboration Studios – Swirbul Library, First Floor
First Floor Group Study – Swirbul Library, First Floor
Aimee Ornstein Lounge – Swirbul Library, First Floor
Robert McMillian Viewing Rooms – Swirbul Library, First Floor
Sager Research Area – Swirbul Library, Second Floor
Goodyear Lab – Swirbul Library, Second Floor
Hay Research Lounge – Swirbul Library, Second Floor
Hay Lab – Swirbul Library, Second Floor
Intra-Stacks seating in various locations within the library.
Intra-Stacks seating allows for natural light.
After Hour Spaces
Designated as an after hours study room for current Adelphi Students, with a valid Adelphi Student ID, from building close until 3:00 a.m. or 24 hours during Final Exams, as posted on the library website. Public Safety will check student IDs when the building closes and monitor rooms regularly after hours.
NOTE: All Swirbul classrooms are to be used for class purposes only. If a current student needs to use software that is only available on classroom computers, they can make a request at the Service Point and use the classroom when class is not in session.
Designated as an after hours study room for current Adelphi Students, with a valid Adelphi Student ID, from building close until 3:00 a.m. or 24 hours during Final Exams, as posted on the library website. Public Safety will check student IDs when the building closes and monitor rooms regularly after hours.
NOTE: All Swirbul classrooms are to be used for class purposes only. If a current student needs to use software that is only available on classroom computers, they can make a request at the Service Point and use the classroom when class is not in session.
Group Study
Collaboration Studios, located on the first floor of Swirbul Library, are designed for group study. There are 2 wheelchair-accessible studios, 5 small studios, and 3 large studios. These studios are for current Adelphi student use only.
Due to COVID restrictions, all studios can hold 1 person.
- 7-9 technology-enhanced studios for group study
- Accessible seating
- Wireless printing
- Reservable
Please review the Collaboration Studios Policies.
Collaboration Studios includes:
- Flat-screen monitors
- Dry erase writable walls
- Designated Accessible studios are available
Students can:
- Plugin their own devices (including tablets, laptops, and smartphones)
- Display from any device on flat-screen monitors
- Write on walls with dry-erase markers
Collaboration Studio dedicated to the use of the anatomical model. Students must use the anatomical model unless needed for Accessible seating. Students must check-in at the Service Point.
- Reservable for up to 2 hours each day
- Anatomical model
- Accessible Seating
Please review the Collaboration Studios Policies.
- Large open area
- Moveable chairs
- Conversation friendly
- Lively atmosphere
- Wireless printing
- Accessible seating
- Small open area
- Conversation friendly
- Comfy chairs
- Large open area
- PC and Mac workstations available
- Conversation friendly
- Lively atmosphere
- Printers and scanners available
Labs and Classrooms
Available after regular library hours until 3:00 a.m. or 24 hours during study and exam days. A valid Adelphi student ID is required.
Available after regular library hours until 3:00 a.m. or 24 hours during study and exam days. A valid Adelphi student ID is required.
- Collaborative Classroom
- Multiple display screens
- Wheeled tables
- Enhanced classroom technology
- Collaborative Classroom
- Multiple display screens
- Wheeled tables
- Enhanced classroom technology
- Collaborative Classroom
- Multiple display screens
- Wheeled tables
- Enhanced classroom technology
Library Holdings
- Current Newspapers: Access Services
- Current & Bound Journals: Access Services
- Microfilm (A-Z): Second Floor
- Microfilm, Classified: Second Floor
- Microfiche, Classified & Periodicals: Second Floor
- New York Newspapers on Microfilm: Level C
- Reference Collection*: Second Floor
- Ref Z Call Number and Supplementary Indexes: Level C
* For assistance, please contact a reference librarian (2nd Floor Reference Desk)
- The Non-Print Media Collection, also located at the Access Services Desk, includes films, VHS and DVD video recordings, laserdiscs, software, audio cassettes, audio compact discs, filmstrips, slides, and CD-ROMS, many with accompanying guides. These materials are available for circulation to the Adelphi community.
- Media resources are fully cataloged and can be accessed via OneSearch by subject or keyword. OneSearch also includes the item descriptions as well as the type of equipment that is required for that media. On-site playback or viewing can be arranged for individuals or groups.
- Arrangements can be made to deliver and pick up audio-visual equipment on campus. Assistance is also provided for use of microforms and reader-printers.
- Contact a Reference Librarian
- Since 1966, Swirbul Library has served as a selective federal depository library. Adelphi has the most extensive collection on Long Island of documents issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Justice Department, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as titles from many federal agencies. Current library holdings include almost 200,000 titles.
- Selected government documents are cataloged and can be accessed through OneSearch. The Government Documents Collection, in both paper and microfiche formats, is located on the second floor. In addition, some government documents are included in the main reference and circulating collections. Reference assistance in the use of government documents is available at the Main Reference Desk.
- The Reference Desk and Sager Lab are located on the second floor of Swirbul Library, adjacent to the Information Commons. Reference Librarians provide individualized reference assistance and help identify the appropriate books, databases, journal articles, government documents, and other non-print materials necessary to complete research.
- The Sager Lab computer lab is dedicated to online research for those who may or may not require assistance from a Reference Librarian.
* For assistance, please contact a reference librarian (2nd Floor Reference Desk)
Meeting Rooms
This space is for faculty and staff use only.
Service Areas
The Curriculum Materials Center (CMC) provides sample educational materials in all formats to support the teacher education curriculum of the School of Education. As such, the CMC supports the School’s instructional programs, particularly in the areas of elementary and adolescent education, art education, bilingual education, ESL, special education, literacy, health studies, and physical education.
Located within the Curriculum Materials Center (CMC) on the second floor, the Family Friendly Space has been created to support Adelphi students who are parents or caregivers.
- Books for children
- Crayons and coloring pages
- Various seating options
- and, of course, WiFi!
Adelphi University Archives and Special Collections (UASC) collects, preserves, and provides access to unique and rare materials of enduring value; and serves as the institutional memory of Adelphi by collecting, preserving, and providing access to materials that document its history.
Quiet Study and Individual Study
- Small closed area
- Comfy chairs and sofas
- Small closed area
- Check room availability at the User Services Point
- Small open area
- PC workstations
- Quiet conversations
- Printer available
- Individual study carrels and tables in the book stacks
- Conversation discouraged
- Individual study carrels and tables in the book stacks
- Conversation discouraged
- First Floor Map (2 private restrooms, all gender)
- Second Floor Map (multiple stalls)
- Stacks Map – Floor S (2 private restrooms, all gender)
Resources for Current StudentsToolsAcademic ResourcesAccessibility & Support ProgramsBilling & Financial AidCampus Life
- Athletics (Adelphi Panthers)
- Bookstore
- Bhisé Center for Global Understanding
- Clubs & Activities (MyAULife)
- Commuter Student Services
- The Delphian (Student Newspaper)
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
- Dining Services & Meal Plans
- Interfaith Worship
- Locker Rentals
- Lost & Found
- Multicultural Center
- Residential Life & Housing
- Student & Community Engagement
Career ServicesCourses & RegistrationDisclosures & InfoGraduationHealth & WellbeingLibrary ResourcesSafety & TransportationStudent Conduct & Concerns -
Resources for FacultyToolsAcademicsResources and PoliciesSupport and Community
Resources for StaffToolsResources and PoliciesSupport and Community
Resources for Parents & FamiliesAcademicsFinancial ServicesHealth & SafetyResources
Resources for Alumni & FriendsExtraordinary ImpactNews and Events
Resources for Local CommunityFor Kids & Future College StudentsFor Art & Culture LoversFor FitnessFor Lifelong LearnersFor Those Who Need SupportFor Those Giving Back to the CommunityFor Vendors