Date & Time: November 6, 2023 – January 9, 2024 9:00am – 9:00pm
Location: Performing Arts Center

A student group art exhibition curated by Kappa Pi.

“Who are you?” These three words can be very intimidating. Some of us can quickly put it into words while others draw a blank. Art provides everyone with an opportunity to show who they are at their core. An artist can make paintings of issues that are important to them. An artist’s pallet might reflect how they feel about themselves. Funky shapes and dramatic lines can capture someone’s spirit.

There are endless ways that artists show the world who they are. Isn’t it incredible that we can relate to an artist from the late nineteenth century? We’ve never experienced that time period yet the emotions in their work are forever timeless. We know so much about others through art without ever having interacted with them. There is something beautiful about being able to see an artist’s reflection through their work. Art is one of the few ways that we are able to experience those types of connections. To be able to understand someone from a different time period. To understand someone we have never met. There is no time barrier in art.

Art is a universal language where any human can find themselves through creation. For this year’s gallery we challenged Adelphi’s artists with that big question: who are you? Displayed in our gallery are pieces that reflect artistic identity. Every piece has something unique to say about the artist behind it. The subject matter/medium may describe who they are. Their choice of mark may evoke feelings and values. By looking at these pieces, you can learn something new about friends, family or even acquaintances. As you walk along our gallery, we ask you the same question: who are you?

Please join us for a public reception on November 16, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

For any questions, please email

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