Date & Time: August 16 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Location: Virtual

The Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences at Adelphi University is thrilled to announce an upcoming international conference dedicated to examining the crucial intersection between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the preparation of the future workforce through pre-K to 12 education.

As AI becomes increasingly integrated into various aspects of our lives, it is imperative to assess how our education systems can effectively harness its potential.

Conference Objective

This conference aims to explore the pivotal role of teacher engagement and support in crafting educational curricula that seamlessly incorporate AI.

Conference Themes

We invite contributions from all stakeholders (such as researchers, educators, administrators, parents, students, practitioners, and policymakers), including but not limited to the following themes: 

  • State of the Art in AI Research
    Discuss the current landscape of AI research and its implications for the future of pre-K-12 education and teacher preparation.
  • AI Application in Education
    Explore the diverse applications of AI in areas such as student performance evaluation, teaching methodologies, student selection processes, and behavior analysis.
  • Teacher Involvement
    Examine the pivotal role of teachers in implementing and guiding AI-enhanced educational practices. Discuss strategies for fostering teacher engagement and support in integrating AI into curriculum design.
  • AI Literacy in pre-K-12 Education
    Address existing gaps in AI literacy within the pre-K-12 education system. Propose insights and methodologies to enhance AI awareness and understanding among educators and students.
  • Design Framework for AI Learning Experiences
    Introduce and discuss a design framework encompassing core competencies and guidelines for creating effective AI learning experiences in K-12 settings.
  • AI Policy
    Address policy issues regarding the regulation of AI use in pre-K-12 classrooms.
  • Voice of Parents and Students
    Explore how parents and students perceive AI applications and potential challenges.

We invite contributors to submit proposals aligned with the conference theme. Share your research findings, innovative practices, and insights contributing to the discourse on preparing our future workforce through AI-enhanced pre-K to 12 education. Selected papers will be included in an edited book.

Presentation Abstract Submission

Please submit a 250-word abstract, presenting your research findings, innovative practices, and insights that contribute to the ongoing discussion on preparing the future workforce through AI-enhanced pre-K to 12 education. Papers selected will be featured in an edited book.

Abstract submission site:

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: August 6, 2024
  • Conference Date: August 16, 2024

Join us in navigating the dynamic landscape of AI in education and its profound impact on shaping the knowledge and skills of our future workforce. Together, let’s pave the way for a future where AI and education seamlessly empower the next generation.


Online registration will open in the spring

  • Registration date: August 6, 2024

There is no registration fee for this event.

For more information, please contact:

Stacey Barbato
Director of Operations
Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences

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