Learning About Long Island’s Shinnecock Nation Through Art: Conversations with Jeremy Dennis
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Join award-winning Shinnecock tribal member Jeremy Dennis to discuss Shinnecock history and how it can be understood in relation to art.
During this live webinar, Mr. Dennis will showcase his art and teaching materials, inviting questions from those who wish to learn about the Shinnecok nation’s vibrant culture. Prior to the event, please visit jeremynative.com to view Jeremy’s artwork. View additional educational resources.

It is our goal for this webinar to provide individuals with an opportunity to engage in discussions centered around Shinnecock culture. In order for Jeremy Dennis to address areas of interest unique to each viewer, we welcome and encourage questions. Submit a question for the event.
How You Can Help
With any financial or other assistance you can offer during these difficult times you will help to achieve the vision for “Ma’s House” to provide a dedicated space for BIPOC artists, a photo studio, body healing, and a welcoming space for friends and family.