Date & Time: March 30, 2023 10:30am – 11:30am
Location: Virtual

In this workshop, participants will learn how to develop a comprehensive plan for instructor-to-student communication. 

We will utilize a generative discussion protocol to begin to develop the communication plan that will be further refined in subsequent workshops. The workshop will also provide opportunities for instructors to share their own experiences and best practices with colleagues.

Prerequisite: None


  • Kevin Mobbs, Senior Instructional Designer
  • Rui Huang, Instructional Designer
  • Julie Santana, Instructional Designer

Adelphi University faculty can Register in advance.

About the Intentional Interactions Workshop Series

This workshop series will take attendees through steps for intentionally creating engagement with their students. Attendees will work through the three levels of the series to develop a communication plan for instructor-to-student interactions, student-to-student interactions, and student-to-content interactions.

At the conclusion of the series, participants will have a communication plan for immediate implementation into in-person and online courses. The first workshop focuses on the development of a plan for instructor and student engagement. The second focuses on developing strategies for student-to-student engagement, and the final workshop encourages instructors to create an individualized plan for their courses.

Various certificates can be earned for participation in levels or completion of the series.

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