Increasing Autism Numbers: Should We Be Concerned?
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Join the College of Nursing and Public Health for an eye-opening presentation on the latest prevalence rates for autism in children in the United States.
The Centers for Disease Control have issued an update revealing an increase in the number of children with autism, which may seem alarming at first glance. However, in this presentation, you’ll learn why this increase is actually a positive development.
We’ll explore the factors that suggest the true frequency of autism in the United States is likely higher than what’s currently reported. Additionally, we’ll examine the negative implications of under-identification of certain subpopulations.
This presentation is an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge and understanding of autism prevalence rates and their significance.
Dena L. Gassner, MSW

Dena is a PhD candidate in Social Work at Adelphi and is in her 6th year as an adjunct at Towson University in Health Sciences. She is the co-chair of the Autistic Researcher Committee (ARC) for the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR). She is an appointed member of the Review Board for the Autism Intervention Research Network in Physical Health (AIR-P) and is a member of the AIR-P Gender, Sexuality, and Healthcare Node with UCLA. Her GS&H team is presenting at the May INSAR international conference in Stockholm, addressing maternity and autism. She is completing her second year as an appointed member of the federal Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) advising the White House on autism funding priorities for research. With AASET, she has published three PCORI publications. She will return to this work with UNC as the Study Staff Training Coordinator and as the Implementation Outcome Assessor examining cognitive behavioral therapy versus mindfulness to address autistic suicide. She has published multiple book chapters and journal articles and her presentations include NYU London, The United Nations (Geneva and US speaking on autism + aging, health disparities for autistic women, and autistic motherhood/reproductive healthcare access), Cambridge, University of Birmingham, Russia, Fonden Samrådet-Denmark and Scotland among other places. In 1999 she was awarded the Cathy Pratt Professional of the Year Award from the Autism Society of America.
For more information, please contact:
Natalie Madray
This event is part of National Public Health Week. To find out more, please visit the NPHW website.