Date & Time: August 30, 2021 10:00am – 5:00pm
Location: Online

Gain service hours through this great virtual service opportunity!  We are partnering with Imperium again this year! 

Across the world, millions of students lack the resources to learn and practice the English language, especially in Central Asia the ability to learn English is considered a privilege. Our non-profit organization, Imperium Volunteers, created a platform for students to learn. We call this platform “Imperial Guild of English”, where we help students from Central Asia connect with volunteers through online classes.

Imperium Volunteers, are looking for volunteers who are willing to dedicate their time and effort to help children master their skills. As a volunteer, you will learn how to conduct lessons with our teacher-moderator system, crucial communication, leadership, and creative skills, and earn service hours.

All you need is:
• a stable Internet connection
• free time to volunteer hours 
• dedication and desire to help others

Classes will start on the 18th of October with two weeks of preparation and four weeks of classes. Instructions, class moderator, and students will be provided to you. To become a volunteer, please fill in this form:

Please note that to become a volunteer you will need to download WhatsApp to connect with the students.

If you have any questions, you can send them to this email address:

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