From Where We Stand: Unsettling Coloniality In The University and Beyond
Event Actions
In honor of Indigenous Peoples Month you are invited to attend the discussion forum titled From Where We Stand: Unsettling Coloniality in the University and Beyond.
This event is in collaboration with Adelphi University School of Social Work and the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures.
Opening Remarks
- Brian Wygal, Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology and the Director of Environmental Studies and Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
Omar Hernández
Omar Hernández is a Public Information Officer at the United Nations Academic Impact initiative in New York, and focal point on Sustainable Development Goals and institutions of higher education. Previously he served as Volunteer and Conference Management Specialist at the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat in Bonn. Consultant for the Education for Justice Initiative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and the Palestine Refugees, as well as for the United Nations Association of Venezuela his home country. He was International News Analyst and Editor in a local newspaper. He was professor the Andrés Bello Catholic University, campus Guayana, courses of International Journalism, International Public Law, and International Human Rights Law. Omar has a Master’s degree in Cooperation for Development with Specialization in International Humanitarian Aid, a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Freedom of Expression and Right to Information.
Topic: UN, Universities and Beyond: Fostering Inclusion of Indigenous Peoples
Cecilia Kindelán
Cecilia Kindelán is a corporate communication professor at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Her specialization is Executive Trainings on communication techniques and PR strategies. She is an academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors. She previously served as vice principal of the Spanish Association of Directors and as Associate Director of IESE Business School. Also, she is academic advisor of the 4rt Global Conference of University Researchers on Issues of the Hispanic World: Building Bridges among Researchers, Artists, Policymakers and Scientists, New York, and RAW: The Rosalía Arteaga The Glocal Women Foundation. She loves teaching, learning and interacting with students.
Topic: The uncertain future of minority languages
Neyooxet Greymorninga
Neyooxet Greymorninga is a full professor in Anthropology and Native American Studies at the University of Montana, earned his Ph.D. from University of Oklahoma in 1992. He was the Acting Director of the Indigenous Governance Programs at the University of Victoria in Canada (2001-2002) and a visiting scholar to Australia’s Southern Cross University (2009-2012) and New England University (2014 and 2018). He developed the Accelerated Second Language Acquisition method (ASLA©TM) and has conducted teacher-training workshops in Australia, Canada and the United States. Neyooxet’s research and teaching agenda includes Indigenous sovereignty issues, Indigenous peoples and the ethics of development, Native Health and Healing, and Indigenous language rejuvenation and retention. In 2018, Professor Greymorning received a Life Achievement Award for his work in Anthropology, and in 2019 he delivered a President’s Distinguished lecture on his research that has tested dolphins for language cognition. Neyooxet engineered and facilitated the 2021 Raising Indigenous Voices in Academia conference.
Topic: An Indigenous Perspective on the Political Reality of Language, Culture, and Identity Framed Within a University Educational Experience
- Inés Sarmiento-Archer, Adjunct Professor, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Culture, Coordinator Spanish Cross-Culture Concept Class,
For more information, please contact:
Schanica Pickens
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
Dr. CarolAnn Daniel
Professor School of Social Work and Chairperson, Faculty Senate