Calling all Heroes Trivia with Relay For Life
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Calling all heroes!
Are you looking for something to do? Are you bored at home and watching way too much television? Well, switch that channel to anything Marvel and pay attention because…
Long Island Relay For Life has the perfect opportunity to prove your knowledge with Marvel Trivia Night!
Join us Tuesday April 14th at 7:30 on our Long Island Relay for Life Facebook Page! We will be going live to have some virtual fun. Bring your friends, pets, neighbors and families, everyone is invited!
If you would like, a $10 donation can be made to your Adelphi RFL Event page and all proceeds will go to Your American Cancer Society.
Did you know that currently our Hope Lodges are taking on a different task than normal? Usually they are place for us to house cancer patients and their families as they receive their life saving treatment, but what about now? Now, our Hope Lodges are being used to house the heroes on the front lines while they keep us and their families safe. Check it out here:
So what do you say? Let’s test our Superhero Knowledge by supporting our very own superheroes!