Date & Time: October 30 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Location: Center for Recreation & Sports, Gymnasium, East Court

Adelphi University students, faculty and staff are invited to learn to play Pickleball with a certified coach!

Campus Recreation is pleased to offer four (4) pickleball workshops for this fall!

  • The workshops are designed for specific playing abilities/levels and are conducted by a certified pickleball coach. Be sure to register for your appropriate skill level. These workshops are not designed for experienced, competitive pickleball players
  • Athletic footwear is required in order to participate. Please note that court shoes are preferred and highly recommended.


  • Tuesday, October 29 – Beginners Workshop
  • Wednesday, October 30 – Advanced Beginners Workshop
  • Monday, November 11 – Beginners Workshop
  • Tuesday, November 19 – Advanced Beginners Workshop

Time and Location

All four (4) workshops are from 5:00 pm- 6:30 pm in the Center for Recreation & Sports (CRS) gym – East Court.

Experience Levels

You must select the workshop that best fits your level of playing experience. If you are a beginner (with little to no experience), please do not sign up for the Advanced Beginners workshop. If you are an advanced beginner, please do not sign up for the Beginners workshop. See the criteria for Beginners and Advanced Beginners below:

  • Beginners Criteria: (October 29 and November 11)
    These workshops target beginners with little to no experience playing pickleball. You have really never played and do not know how to serve or any of the rules.
  • Advanced Beginners Criteria: (October 30 and November 19)
    These workshops target participants who have some pickleball playing experience, know the basic rules and can serve into the correct box.

For any questions, contact

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