Date & Time: March 31, 2022 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: University Center Room 113/114/115

Hello health care professionals! 

AUSNA hopes you can join us for our Trans Health Conference on March 31st, 2022 6-8pm in UC 113/114/115. We have gathered a panel of speakers (doctors and nurses) who will help us advance our education in transgender health care. There will also be a standardized panel of nurse/trans patient role play. 

Transgender health care is briefly mentioned in nursing courses. We encourage you to come to learn how to provide the best patient care for our trans patients. 

The entry fee is $3 and can be purchased on university tickets. RSVP on myaulife after purchasing entry fee! This event is opened to ALL ADELPHI STUDENTS AND FACULTY. 

FREE Adelphi merchandise at the event! 🙂 


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