Students requesting accommodations on the basis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder must provide documentation by a licensed professional. Professionals who are qualified to provide documentation include: licensed clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, psychiatrist and other relevantly trained professionals. Students are encouraged to provide their clinicians with a copy of these guidelines.

To initiate the accommodation review and determination process, appropriate documentation must include the following:

  • A clearly written comprehensive statement of the disability diagnosed by a qualified professional trained in this area including current functional limitations and history of impairment relevant to academic functioning or any aspect of University life. Evidence of current impulsive/hyperactive or inattentive behaviors should be included.
  • Neuropsychological or psychoeducational assessments needed to determine the current impact of the disorder on the individual’s ability to function in an academic setting.
  • A specific psychological diagnosis as per the most updated version of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity which were present in childhood, and the current symptoms which have been present for at least the past six months and which impair functioning in two or more settings (e.g. school, work, and home) must also be identified.
  • A clinical summary which: (a) indicates a barrier to access that substantially limits one or more major life activities based on the disability, (b) describes in detail the extent to which these limitations would impact the academic context for which accommodations are being requested.
  • Documentation should be current, within three years, and must include a signature on professional letterhead.
  • The University has the right to request additional documentation if the original documentation is incomplete or insufficient in determining a qualifying disability or reasonable accommodation(s).
  • The University has the right to deny accommodations in the event that the request is deemed unreasonable or presents an undue hardship.
  • The University has the right to deny accommodations in the event that the documentation provided does not support the specific accommodation request in accordance with the ADA.
  • Documentation must demonstrate a direct correlation between the diagnosed disability, the barrier to access caused by the disability, and the requested accommodation.
  • Reasonable accommodations cannot fundamentally alter any program or course requirements.
  • Any cost incurred in obtaining additional information must be borne by the student.
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