A weekly digest of Adelphi University in the news.
Faculty/Staff in the News
Editorial: We can all help contribute to history
February 15, 2016 | The Suffolk Times
Ann Marie Thigpen, director of the Adelphi University Center for Nonprofit Leadership on creating sustainable fundraising opportunities for historical societies and why it is important to create support bases for exhibits that attract a more diverse audience.
Life’s WORC essay contest aims to dispel bullying of the differently abled
February 15, 2016 | Queens Courier
Associate Professor and Chair of the English Department Lahney Preston-Matto will judge the Life’s Worc essay contest which is aimed to dispel bullying of the differently abled in schools and the community.
“Everyone benefits” when women work in science
February 16, 2016 | United Nations Radio
Clinical Associate Professor Maureen Roller speaks about why it is important for women to work and be involved in the sciences and STEM fields.
Honor Pin
February 16, 2016 | Girl Scouts of Nassau County
Director of Media Relations Kali Chan will be honored and bestowed the Honor Pin for her many contributions in support of Girl Scouting and the Council on Sunday, March 13.
Students aren’t letting terrorism stop them from studying abroad
February 17, 2016 | New York Post
Director of the Center for International Education Shannon Harrison and Professor Brian Rose on being safe while studying abroad, how Adelphi is upgrading their safety programs and why some feel unsettled after the recent Paris attacks.
Time’s Not On My Side, No It’s Not
February 17, 2016 | HorseRaceInsider.com
Professor William L. Quirin is praised on giving advice about speed figures and creating a trainer’s database.
Prizant, Shore to speak on autism
February 19, 2016 | The Jewish Voice
Clinical Assistant Professor Stephen Shore will speak on February 28 at the Dwares JCC as part of Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month.
University in the News
Greek charity initiatives boost resumes – and can change lives
February 17, 2016 | New York Post
Adelphi Kappa Sigma is featured for its Super Hungerfest initiative to fight hunger & benefit Island Harvest on Page 34. Chapter President Christian Albano was interviewed about his passion for Super Hungerfest and how he is giving back to his community.
CNN’s King Coming To Adelphi On Feb. 24
February 17, 2016 | Long Island Weekly
John King, CNN’s chief national correspondent, will come to Adelphi University on February 24, 2016 for a lecture and a master class.
Adelphi University Presents: Changing Youth Gun Culture in One Generation
February 17, 2016 | Long Island Exchange
On Tuesday, February 23, 2016, the Adelphi University Center for Health Innovation will host a Rapid Response Event: Changing Youth Gun Culture in One Generation featuring seven-time Emmy Award winner William Electric Black who will deliver the keynote address.
Changing Youth Gun Culture in One Generation on Tuesday, February 23rd
February 17, 2016 | LongIsland.com
Seven-Time Emmy Award Winner William Electric Black to Deliver the Keynote Address at Adelphi University during the Rapid Response Event: Changing Youth Gun Culture in One Generation, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Angello Alumni House.
Are You Cold? Because I Feel The Bern!
February 17, 2016 | Odyssey
Adelphi student Nikki Winans speaks about why she is voting for Bernie Sanders during the upcoming election.
Alumni in the News
DSFHS Promotes Bogannam to VP of Development
February 15, 2016 | Hudson Valley News Network
Dominican Sisters Family Health Service, Inc. has announced the promotion of Adelphi alumna Marianne Bogannam to vice president of development.
The Folk
February 16, 2016 | Actor Fund Arts Center
Krissy and the Works is a dance collective, founded by alumna Krissy Harris in October 2013. A piece of choreography, The Folk, has been selected for a performance at NACHMO 2016, on February 26, at the Actors Fund Arts Center in Brooklyn.
February 17, 2016 | Folio Weekly
Article highlights Adelphi alumnus Carlton Douglas Ridenhour ’84, better known as Chuck D, and the early days of Public Enemy.
Fountain Theatre earns 4 NAACP Theatre Award nominations for ‘The Brothers Size’
February 17, 2016 | Intimate Excellent
Adelphi alumnus Matthew Hancock recognized with NAACP nomination in the Best Ensemble Cast category for his work in The Brothers Size, which is part of a four-day festival to honor outstanding people of color in theatre.
Our Town: Meet the talented Mr. Cullen of W.P.
February 18, 2016 | The Island Now
Adelphi alumnus William Cullen is featured in The Island Now as one of the most experienced Spanish tutors on Long Island.
February 18, 2016 | Garden City News
Alumnus John Ellis Kordes delivered the lecture, Service Above Self, on February 8 at the Mineola-Garden City Rotary Club. Kordes is a professional photographer, Garden City historian, acknowledged author and documentary film maker.
Athletics in the News
Coach Speak: Cedar Creeks boys basketball coach Wayne Nelson doesn’t settle for moral victories
February 19, 2016 | Glory Days Magazine
Q&A with alumnus Wayne Nelson, Cedar Creeks boys basketball coach on how their team is playing, the state of the program and what the future holds.
University Arts in the News
Things to Do on Long Island, Feb. 13 Through Feb. 21
February 15, 2016 | New York Times
Things to Do on Long Island included screening of Carmen, El Norte, and La Haine; Trio Solisti performance; The Doo Wop Project concert; and Looking Through: Photography, Race, and Identity exhibition.
SingStrong Takes Adelphi With ACA-IDOL
February 18, 2016 | Long Island Weekly
Adelphi University’s Performing Arts Center was full of talent last weekend as SingStrong NY hosted ACA-IDOL, a competition where ten groups performed to win a monetary prize.
Explore LI Weekend!
February 19, 2016 | Newsday
The Doo Wop Project is a featured performance in Explore LI entertainment section on Page B4.
Things to Do on Long Island, Feb. 20 Through March 6
February 19, 2016 | Newsday
Looking Through: Photography, Race and Identity is the main featured New York Times calendar item. Other events include: screenings of La Haine and Dirty Pretty Things; performances by Trio Solisti and The Doo Wop Project; and play Proof.
The top seven events for the coming week
February 19, 2016 | The Island Now
Trio Solisti at the Adelphi University Performing Arts Center (AUPAC) featured as one of the top seven events for the coming week.
What’s happening on Long Island this weekend
February 19, 2016 | Long Island Herald
Trio Solisti and The Doo Wop Project highlighted in the column What’s happening on Long Island this weekend. And, Best of Broadway: Spring Fever on February 27 and 28 is in Stepping Out.
For further information, please contact:
Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director
p – 516.237.8634
e – twilson@adelphi.edu