
Learn about Shared Roots, a social networking site for ancestors.

Terrence RossHow much do you know about your great grandparents or great, great grandparents?

Shared Roots gives you an excuse and a forum to find out and in the process find out a lot about yourself.

Shared Roots is a social networking site for ancestors, which has been developed in the Communications Department.  You can post a photo of an ancestor and then take on the persona of your ancestor to interact on the site.

This summer, Shared Roots will be part of the First Year Orientation Experience. In the fall, we expect more Adelphi classes joining the project along with education students in their local high school work.

And by January 2015, plans are under way for an international collaboration between Adelphi students in the persona of their ancestors interacting with students in a university in the Western Sahara acting as their ancestors. Other collaborations are in the works.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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