
Maxwell Parnell, Network Systems Assistant

Maxwell ParnellThe staff of the Office of Information Technology would like to congratulate

Maxwell Parnell 
Student Worker of the Month for May 2013

Max has been working with Adelphi IT since Fall 2010 and is currently assisting the Network Systems Administrators. For many years he worked in Customer Services, advancing from Lab Consultant to Help Desk Assistant  to Resident Computer Associate.

Max is majoring in physics and expects to graduate in 2014.

Here are some of the comments we received from IT staff members and other student workers who nominated Max:

“Max came to work for networking not because he applied but because my staff noticed him with his high level of proficiency and thoroughness.  We asked him to join our team.  Since then he has continually showed his ability to grasp high level technical concepts and fantastic work ethic.  On more than one occasion, we were able to have Max be our onsite set of hands to help with infrastructure issues.  This saved a member of my team from having to come on site..”

“Besides being a great help for the SysAdmin team, Max is also still helping out the Help Desk covering hours until a suitable replacement can be found. Max is always willing to learn and has a great curiosity for how things work.”

“During the Emergency Closure of the University for Hurricane Sandy, Max took it upon himself to grab the Help Desk cell phone and take calls when necessary. I worked from home three days during that week with little or no internet. Max was on campus and was able to go to HHE and Public Safety and perform tasks that could not be done any other way but on campus. His actions contributed to the ability of the Help Desk staff to assist our customers, the entire Adelphi Community..” 


“Max has a very high technical aptitude but also has the ability to  explain complicated procedures in simple easy to understand terms.  His technical abilities together with his excellent customer service skills make him  extremely effective in his role in IT.”


“In addition to always being willing to help others  Max takes initiative in all aspects of his job on campus.  Recently on a Sunday evening shift on the help desk while the  team was  preparing for the approaching hurricane,  Max  suggested and volunteered to be the on campus, on call RCA and monitor the Help Desk cell phone.  During the Emergency Closing  a remote help desk representative needed assistance of someone who was on campus and  Max jumped into action taking care of the task quickly and efficiently.


“Max goes well and far beyond the call of duty. He is often the student lead on many projects, and has assisted in Manhattan and Hauppauge setups. His work is very thorough, and you know the job has been done correctly the first time he does it..”

About IT’s Employee of the Month Nominations

It is important to demonstrate our appreciation for the contributions of our student workers to their teams, to the Office of Information Technology, and to Adelphi University as a whole. At the end of each month, we will honor one student worker who has demonstrated commitment, leadership, and initiative in their position. The recipient will be presented with a certificate and gift, as well as a featured spot on our IT website.

All IT employees (including student workers) are encouraged to submit nominations for their choice for Student Worker of the Month. Your nominee should display qualities deserving of recognition.

Please submit all nominations through the Student Worker of the Month Nomination Form.

For further information, please contact:

Todd Wilson
Strategic Communications Director 
p – 516.237.8634
e –

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