Faculty Profiles


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Machlis, David
Associate Professor
Finance and Economics Department, Robert B. Willumstad School of Business
Madray, Amrita
Associate Professor
Library Research and Instruction, University Libraries
Maguire, Cindy
Communications, College of Arts and Sciences
Maley, Bridget
Assistant Professor
College of Nursing and Public Health
Malloy, Gail B.
College of Nursing and Public Health
Maloney, Jennifer
Associate Professor
Art and Art History, College of Arts and Sciences
Mance-Keller, Susan M.
Adjunct Faculty
Dance, College of Arts and Sciences
Mancini, Karen T.
Assistant Professor, Chair
College of Nursing and Public Health
Manson, Mara
Senior Adjunct Faculty
The School of Health Sciences, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Marcellino, Patricia
The School of Education, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Marini, Christina M.
Assistant Professor
Psychology, Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
Marlor, Clark S.
Communication Sciences and Disorders, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Marshall, Maya
Assistant Professor
English, College of Arts and Sciences
Martin, Maria-Pilar
Associate Professor
College of Nursing and Public Health
Mattick, Paul
Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences
Matto, Michael E.
Associate Professor
English, College of Arts and Sciences
Mccarthy, Mary Jean
Clinical Associate Professor
The School of Education, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Mcdermott, John
Associate Professor
Theatre, College of Arts and Sciences
Mcdonald, Brian Jay
Associate Professor
Archives and Special Collections, University Libraries
Mcfarland, Ditsapelo
Associate Professor
College of Nursing and Public Health
Mcgowan, James J.
Associate Dean for Professional Programs
College of Professional and Continuing Studies
Mcweeney, Daniel J.
Clinical Assistant Professor
College of Nursing and Public Health
Mellor, Christopher
Assistant Professor
The School of Health Sciences, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Mendelsohn, Robert
Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
Mercier, Kevin J.
Professor, Chair
The School of Health Sciences, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Messano, Laura M.
Associate Teaching Professor
Management Department, Robert B. Willumstad School of Business
Meyer, Walter J.
Senior Adjunct Faculty
Mathematics and Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Miller, Neil T.
Adjunct Faculty
Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, College of Arts and Sciences
Mirra, Carl
Associate Professor, Chair
The School of Education, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Monaghan, Kellyann P.
Art and Art History, College of Arts and Sciences
Moore, Michael
Associate Professor
Psychology, Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
Director of the PhD Program in Clinical Psychology
Psychology, Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
Morales Hernandez, Monica
Assistant Teaching Professor
Mathematics and Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Moravec, Paul
University Professor
Music, College of Arts and Sciences
Moskalev, Sviatoslav
Associate Professor
Finance and Economics Department, Robert B. Willumstad School of Business
Mulligan, Christy A.
Assistant Professor
School Psychology, Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
Mullins, Kimberly D.
Associate Professor
Library Research and Instruction, University Libraries
Mungai, Anne M.
Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives and Graduate Studies
Office of the Provost
Munoz, Victoria M.
Assistant Professor
English, College of Arts and Sciences
Muran, J. Christopher
Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
Muratov, Maya B.
Associate Professor
Art and Art History, College of Arts and Sciences
Murphy, Deborah J.
Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Programs
College of Nursing and Public Health
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