PhD, The Ohio State University (2016)
BA, Stony Brook University, SUNY (2010)
Recent Courses
Recent Courses
Constructing Canons
Major Author (s) In English
Renaissance Literature
The Study Of Literature
Early modern Anglo-Spanish relations, empire, colonization and colonialism
Renaissance-era textual exchanges, literature and drama, Shakespeare, Cervantes
“Literatura y política: Personajes caballerescos ibéricos en ficciones inglesas” (Literature and Politics: Iberian Chivalric Characters in English Fictions) in Daniel Gutiérrez Trápaga and María Gutiérrez Padilla, eds. Libros de caballerías: Estudios sobre la poética del género, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Ciudad de México: UNAM), 185-198.
“Teaching Shakespeare at an Urban Public Community College: An Equity Driven Approach,” in Marissa Greenberg and Elizabeth Williamson, eds. Situating Shakespeare Pedagogy in US Higher Education: Social Justice and Institutional Contexts, (Edinburgh University Press), 62-76.
“‘[C]arried away with The Myrrour of Knighthood’: Hispanophobia and the Rhetorical Feminization of Romance Literature,” in Arthur F. Marotti, ed. New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, VI. Papers of the Renaissance English Text Society 2011-2016 (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies/RETS), 269-295.
“Literatura caballeresca ibérica en la corte inglesa: escándalo y piratería en tiempos de Isabel I” (Iberian Chivalric Literature at the English Court: Scandal and Piracy in the Era of Elizabeth I) En línea caballeresca 3: Conferencias del Seminario de Estudios sobre Narrativa Caballeresca, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Ciudad de México: UNAM) (in press).
Other Work
Other Work
Muñoz, Victoria (translator). English translations of the treasury correspondence of Alfonso V of Aragon, originally composed in medieval Catalan. Published in Sarah Kozlowski (PI), “Jan van Eyck’s Saint George and the Dragon between Bruges and Naples.” Predella: Journal of Visual Arts 43-44 (2018): 155-174. Print and online.
Books Reviewed
The English Reformation in the Spanish Imagination: Rewriting Nero, Jezebel, and the Dragon, by Deborah Forteza, in Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures 78.1 (2024): 35-37.
Latinx Shakespeares: Staging US Intracultural Theater, by Carla Della Gatta, in Shakespeare Bulletin 41.3 (Fall 2023): 488-492.
Keywords of Identity, Race, and Human Mobility in Early Modern England, by Nandini Das, João Vicente Melo, Haig Z. Smith, and Lauren Working, in Renaissance Quarterly, 76.2 (Summer 2023): 717-718.
Exile, Diplomacy and Texts: Exchanges between Iberia and the British Isles, 1500-1767, by Ana Sáez-Hidalgo and Berta Cano-Echevarría, eds., in Renaissance Quarterly, 75.3 (Fall 2022): 1042-1044.
Hercules and the King of Portugal: Icons of Masculinity and Nation in Calderón’s Spain, by Dian Fox, in Comparative Drama, 56.3 (2022): 342-345.
Other Publications
Muñoz, Victoria, et al. “Teaching in a pandemic, a year later: Concrete lessons from virtual classes.” Clarion. June 2021.
Muñoz, Victoria. “Celebrating Early Women’s History and Women Writers.” Teaching materials using Women Writers Online (WWO) database. Women Writers Online. 27 October, 2020.
Muñoz, Victoria. “‘More strange than true:’ Finding America among the faeries.” Shakespeare & Beyond, a blog of the Folger Shakespeare Library. 27 October, 2020.
2022 Mellon Foundation/American Council of Learned Societies Community College Faculty Fellowship.
2016 Dissertation Completion Fellowship, English Department, The Ohio State University.
2014 Dissertation Seminar Fellowship, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC.
2010 University Fellowship, Graduate School, The Ohio State University.
2020 Research Grant, Research Foundation, Professional Staff Congress (PSC), CUNY.
2020 Full tuition scholarship to Attend the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) at University of Victoria, BC, Renaissance Society of America (RSA). (postponed to 2022 due to COVID-19).
2019 Book Completion Award, Graduate Center, CUNY.
2016 Professional Development Grant, Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) Arts Initiative.
2016 Research Grant, College of Arts and Humanities, The Ohio State University.
2015 Margaret Blickle Travel and Research Award, The Ohio State University.
2014 Coca Cola Critical Difference for Women Grant, Coca Cola Scholars Foundation.
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
2024 Board-Nominated to Associate Member, Shakespeare Seminar, Columbia University.
2024 Feliks Gross Award for Research Excellence, CUNY Academy for the Humanities and Sciences, Graduate Center, City University of New York.
2024 Belo Award, The University Seminars, Columbia University, for presentation at The Columbia University Shakespeare Seminar.
2022 First Place, Best Work By A Member, The Metro New York Labor Communications Council Annual Communications Awards. (co-recipient)
2017 Muste Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation, English Department, The Ohio State University.
2017 Nominated for Excellence in Teaching Award, English Department, The Ohio State University-Mansfield.
2014 Best Essay in Women and Gender Studies Award, Women and Gender Studies Caucus, Northeast Modern Languages Association (NeMLA).
2012 Digital Media Prize for Outstanding Graduate Work, English Department, The Ohio State University. (co-recipient with Lewis Ulman, et al.)
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