Faculty Profiles


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Babic, Tamara
Adjunct Faculty
Dance, College of Arts and Sciences
Baker, Charles R.
Accounting and Law Department, Robert B. Willumstad School of Business
Baker, Samantha
Adjunct Faculty
Dance, College of Arts and Sciences
Baltimore, Lester B.
Associate Professor
History, College of Arts and Sciences
Bandyopadhyay, Aditi
Library Research and Instruction, University Libraries
Barbaro, Fred R.
School of Social Work
Barnes, Christopher A.
Assistant Professor
University Libraries
Barrette, Gary T.
The School of Health Sciences, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Bauler, Clara Vaz
Associate Professor
The School of Education, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Baumel, Judith
English, College of Arts and Sciences
Bedard, Daniel R.
Clinical Assistant Professor
The School of Health Sciences, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Behmke, Derek
Assistant Professor
Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
Belaya, Sofia
Adjunct Faculty
Dance, College of Arts and Sciences
Bell, Catherine R.
Assistant Teaching Professor
College of Nursing and Public Health
Bellard, Eloise
Adjunct Faculty
University Libraries
Belson, Richard
Associate Professor
School of Social Work
Benner, George
Associate Professor
The School of Education, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Bentley, Sean J.
Associate Professor
Physics, College of Arts and Sciences
Berger, Roni
School of Social Work
Best, Cheryl D.
Clinical Assistant Professor
College of Nursing and Public Health
Billow, Richard
Senior Adjunct Faculty
Postgraduate Psychology Programs, Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
Bo, Hannah H.
Assistant Professor
The School of Health Sciences, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Boccio, Dana E.
Associate Professor
School Psychology, Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
American Association of University Professors, Adelphi Chapter
Boggs, Stephanie J.
Assistant Professor
The School of Education, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Boquiren, Sidney M.
Music, College of Arts and Sciences
Bornstein, Robert
University Professor
Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
Bouris, Greg
Assistant Teaching Professor
The School of Health Sciences, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Bradley, Robert E.
Mathematics and Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Brandwein, Jacqueline
Clinical Associate Professor
College of Nursing and Public Health
Briziarelli, Susan
Associate Provost for Faculty Support and Global Affairs
Office of the Provost
Levermore Global Scholars, College of Arts and Sciences
Brown, Kelby D.
Adjunct Faculty
Dance, College of Arts and Sciences
Brumariu, Laura E.
Associate Dean for Professional Programs and Student Advancement
Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
Associate Professor
Psychology, Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology
Bryzzheva, Lyudmila A.
Associate Professor
The School of Education, Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences
Bucalo, Kathy
Director of Libraries for User Engagement and Administrative Services
Library Administrative Office, University Libraries
Buckle, Pamela M.
Management Department, Robert B. Willumstad School of Business
Burdick, Jacques O.
Adjunct Faculty
Theatre, College of Arts and Sciences
Burgos, Giovani
Associate Professor
Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences
Bush, Melanie E.
Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences
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