Faculty Profiles

Sean J. Bentley

Associate Professor
Physics, College of Arts and Sciences

Blodgett Hall 8h

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General Information



Ph.D. in Optics, University of Rochester (2004)

M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla (1997)

B.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla (1995)

Professional Experience

Professional Experience

Adelphi University, Department of Physics
-Associate Professor, September 2009-Present
-Assistant Professor, September 2003-August 2009

Stony Brook University, Department of Physics & Astronomy
-Mentor, Laser Teaching Center, Summer 2016; designed and implemented research and educational program in optics for eight undergraduates

American Institute of Physics
-Director, Society of Physics Students & Sigma Pi Sigma, July 2014-January 2016
• Directed activities of national physics student society (~6000 members) and national physics honor society (~1500 annual inductees and ~60,000 active members)
• Worked closely with leadership and staff of AIP Member Societies (a network of ten major scientific societies totaling ~120,000 members)
• Wrote six editorials for The SPS Observer: “My Successful Null Result” (Winter 2015); “The Physics-Engineering Debate” (Fall 2015); “SPS is Your Village” (Summer 2015); “Physics Needs Research and Balance” (Spring 2015); “Freedom and Physics for All” (Winter 2014); “SPS, Diversity, and You” (Fall 2014)
• Wrote four editorials for Radiations: “Impacting Lives” (Spring 2016); “A Few Good Mentors” (Fall 2015); “A Force for Good” (Spring 2015); “You are a Physicist” (Fall 2014)
• Wrote five guest columns for AIP Matters: “Student leaders aim for impact at SPS Council Meeting” (11/2/2015); “SPS internships shape future leaders” (9/14/2015); “SPS goes to Washington” (4/13/2015, with Aline McNaull); “Light and inspiration for a better world” (2/23/2015); “Beyond the walls of classrooms” (9/22/2014)
• Wrote a book review for Physics Today: Networking for Nerds by Alaina Levine (December 2015; portions reprinted in “Five books that stood out in 2015” segment)
• Led staff of seven full-time, two part-time, and twelve summer interns
• Planned and managed $2M annual budget and worked actively on development
• Liaised between elected leadership, membership, and staff
• Developed and implemented strategies for memberships, communications, programs, and all aspects of operations to promote undergraduate physics education

Personal Statement

Personal Statement

I am dedicated to promoting and advancing undergraduate physics and engineering education. To this end, I am active with IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (the electrical engineering honor society). From 2018-2020, I served as the Region 1-2 Governor of IEEE-HKN. Since 2021, I have been serving on the editorial board of IEEE-HKN's magazine, The Bridge. I am currently (2024) IEEE-HKN President-Elect. 

I was also previously active with the Society of Physics Students. From 2003-2014, I was the advisor for the Adelphi University chapter of SPS (and have been co-advisor from 2016-present); from 2010-2014, I was the Zone Councilor for SPS Zone 2 (NY, Ontario, & Quebec); and from August 2014-January 2016, I served as Director of SPS & Sigma Pi Sigma (the physics honor society).

Since 2003 I have worked at Adelphi University, where I am a tenured associate professor in physics. I lead the Laboratory for Quantum & Nonlinear Optics. I have a patent on nonlinear optical lithography and was project director of SMART (Science & Math Applied Real-problem Teaching), an innovative NSF-funded program partnering museums and high schools to offer problem-based freshman physics courses. I am also completing a text on quantum imaging.

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