Recent Courses
Recent Courses
Foundations Of Social Work Practice I
Foundations Of Social Work Practice II
Courses Previously Taught
Courses Previously Taught
SWK 542 - Oppression, Diversity and the Struggle for Human Rights
Post-traumatic growth
Behavioral and Medical Health Disparities with LGBTQIA+ folx
Access to Medical and Behavioral Health Services
The Intersection of Social Work Teaching, Practice and Technology
Decreasing barriers to service provision & resilience based programming for womxn fighting breast cancer
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Philosophy
Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality frames my teaching and my curricular design approach, in order to prepare students for a sustained career in an increasingly complex and demanding field. It is critically important for students to understand the intersection of their own identities, their positionality and how it impacts their work as clinicians, advocates and change makers, particularly how their identities intersect with those of their clients. Also, to thoroughly prepare students for success in the field without developing burnout and to minimize vicarious trauma, students must learn the sociopolitical impact of the eras in which their practice modalities, theories and research methods were developed and what privileges have been sustained and perpetuated in the field through their use as well as how these methods can be deconstructed. This intersectional perspective frames my selection of readings, development of assignments and overall content delivery.
I have taught and developed a diverse series of courses, all grounded in anti-oppressive and intersectional frameworks that fit into both generalist and advanced clinical tracks that include Gender and Sexuality, Social Work with Children, PROP Foundations, Direct Practice and Essential Psychotherapies through the Lifespan as well as an intensive research methods Field Capstone course that blends clinical field experience with a year-long research project and all of which in empower students for a career grounded in an anti-oppressive, deconstructing lens.
I am incredibly passionate about teaching online, as well as residentially, and have been doing so for the past eight years. I strive to create a learning environment that is creative, engaging and kinesthetic, with a hybrid blend of experiential exercises inside and outside of the classroom.
Aguilar, J. & Counselman-Carpenter, E. Multidiscplinary Human Behavior in the Complex Social Environment: Decolonizing Social Work Practice. Cognella Publishing.
Aguilar, J. & Counselman-Carpenter, E. Decolonizing Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Reader. Cognella Publishing
Counselman-Carpenter, E & Redcay, A. Working with Grief and Loss: Theory, Practice, Personal Reflection and Self-Care for Clinicians. Cognella Publishing.
Counselman-Carpenter, E. (2022-2023) PhotoVoice as a vehicle for promoting post-traumatic growth. In R. Berger (Ed.)'s International Handbook on Post-traumatic Growth. Routledge.
Counselman-Carpenter, E. (2022). Using PhotoVoice as a teaching tool in the Adobe Connect classroom.In Marquart, M., Marshall, L., Chung, R., & Garay, K. (Eds). Designing Engaging and Interactive Synchronous Online Class Sessions: Using Adobe Connect to Maximize its Pedagogical Value. EdTech Books.
Araujo, B. & Counselman-Carpenter, E. (2021). Strategic Planning for Long-term Online Course Improvement: Effective Quality Assurance in Online Programs. In Kumar & P. Arnold, Eds., Quality in Online Programs: Approaches and Practices in Higher Education.
Counselman-Carpenter, E., & Aguilar J. Best practices for assessing digital literacy and strengthening online teaching pedagogy of digitally immigrant stakeholders in higher education. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer Publishing.
Counselman-Carpenter, E. (2020). Grief, Loss and Bereavement: An integrated perspective. In J. Brandell (Ed.) Clinical Social Work Practice, 3rd edition. USA: Cognella Publishing.
Counselman-Carpenter, E. (2019). Self care. In E. Counselman-Carpenter and A. Redcay (Eds.) Working with Grief & Traumatic Loss: Theory, Practice, Personal Reflection and Self-care for Clinicians. USA: Cognella Publishing.
Counselman-Carpenter, E. & Williams, J. (2023). The lived experience of breast cancer patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Health and Social Work, hlad025.
Counselman-Carpenter, E., Cummings, S., & Marquart, M. (2023). Trauma informed macro strategies to support faculty resiliency. The Journal of Faculty Development, 37-39.
Redcay, A., Counselman-Carpenter, E. & Lally, K. (2022, accepted). The impact of age, gender identity, medical transition, and other substance use on marijuana use for transgender adults. Journal of Social, Behavioral and Health Science.
Counselman-Carpenter, E. & Redcay, A. (2022). Nuanced domain differences in factors of post-traumatic growth within the transgender community. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.
Redcay, A., Counselman-Carpenter, E. & Wade, G. (2021). Public accommodations for transgender youth: current policies, pending debates. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work.
Aguilar, J. & Counselman-Carpenter, E. (2021). ‘The mirage of action’: exploring strategies that perpetuate of white supremacy through ‘well-intentioned’ anti-racism work and the profession of social work’s complicit support of those enacting these strategies. Advances in Social Work.
Counselman-Carpenter, E., Meltzer, A. & Marquart, M. (2020). Best practices for inclusivity of Deaf/dead/Hard of Hearing students in the synchronous online classroom. World Journal of Education. doi:10.5430/wje.v10n426
Counselman-Carpenter, E. (2019). Teaching Note – MSW students perceptions of learning advanced clinical practice skills through the flipped classroom. Journal of Social Work Education. doi: 10.1080/10437797.2018.1520667.
Redcay, A., Counselman-Carpenter, E., McMahon, S., Lance, R., & Luquet, W., (2019). The arc of justice regarding court cases involving discrimination against transgender children and the school system. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work. doi:10.1007/s41134-019-00102-3
Counselman-Carpenter, E., Stylianou, A. & Redcay, A. (2019). Developing a financial literacy program with survivors of intimate partner violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi:10.1093/sw/swz034
Counselman-Carpenter, E. & Redcay A. (2019). Understanding the role of the brick-and-mortar classroom in course design and implementation of the “flipped” classroom: An exploratory case study. Journal of Teaching and Technology. doi:10.14434/jotlt.v8i1.26806
Counselman-Carpenter, E. (accepted 2017, published 2018). Efficacy of the flipped classroom to teach play therapy: a mixed methods study. International Journal of Play Therapy, 27, 146-157.
Counselman-Carpenter, E. & Redcay, A. (2018). Use of the ABI-revisited as a tool to measure experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) when exploring the role of social support and factors of post-traumatic growth (PTG) in rural, suburban and urban sexual minority women. Behavior Sciences, 8, 77-88.
Counselman-Carpenter, E., Redcay, A., & Freeman, A. (2018). Increasing resilience and addressing internalized heterosexism through group oriented bibliotherapy and cinematherapy for individuals who come out later-in-life. Groupwork.
Stylianou, A., Counselman-Carpenter, E. & Redcay, A. (2018). “My sister is the one that made me stay above water”: how social supports are maintained and strained when survivors of intimate partner violence reside in emergency shelter programs. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260518816320.
Redcay, A., Counselman-Carpenter, E. & Proctor, C. (2018). The impact of fluid attraction and fluid identity on mental health. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health. doi: 10.1080/19359705.2018/128915.
Counselman-Carpenter, (2016). The presence of posttraumatic growth (PTG) in mothers whose children are born unexpectedly with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 1-13, doi: 10.3109/13668250.2016.1247207
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
SUNY 2023 Open Educational Resources Conference: ”But financial aid covers books”: Educators from three institutions share examples of persuading faculty to adopt OER
Council on Social Work Education: Annual Program Meeting (2023). Voices of survivors: recommendations for working with breast cancer patients in a triple-demic world
Council on Social Work Education: Annual Program Meeting.
Anti-racist virtual mentoring for students and faculty: best practices in online learning.
Social Work Distance Education Conference (2023). Virtual mentoring/professional development for online faculty located around the world.
Society on Social Work Research (SSWR). 2023. Emotional expression, suppression and breast cancer patient preferences about physician driven referrals to psychotherapy.
Council on Social Work Education - Annual Program Meeting
Teaching Institute: Decolonizing Human Behavior in the Social Enviornment: Restructing Knowledge and Dynamic Teaching Strategies
Council on Social Work Education - Annual Program Meeting
Perspectives of Breast Cancer Patients related to Implementation of Online Support during Treatment
Social Work Distance Education Conference -
Strategic Planning for Online Course Improvement: Lessons learned post-pandemic
Madison College Community Forum
Faculty self-care, mental health and community support through pandemic teaching.
Council on Social Work Education - Annual Program Meeting
Decolonizing radical self-care for clinicians and educators with marginalized identities
Learning Ideas Conference
Best practices for assessing digital literacy and strengthening online teaching practices.
SCSU International Womens and Gender Studies Conference
Identity and Knowing: Building Intentional and Inclusive Classrooms, Syllabi and Assignments
Social Work Distance Education Conference
1) Infusing asynchronous discussions to build community
2) The role of self-care for online instructors
Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference (SSWR)
Understanding the intersection of digital literacy, institutional support and perspectives on digital immigration: impacts on curricular and student support
Exploring post-traumatic growth: the role of nuanced identity within the transgender community
Council on Social Work Education - Annual Program Meeting
The universal experience of grief and loss through groupwork
Management and Social Justice Conversations (The New School)
Leadership Development for Managers and Trainers - Best Practices for Addressing Power, Privilege, and Oppression when teaching topics of Diversity and Increasing the Intersectional Lens in the Classroom
SUNY Online Summit - Invited Speaker
Engaging adult learners by creating inclusive online classroom communities.
Society for Social Work and Research 24th Conference (SSWR)
From their voices: developing a financial literacy program with survivors of IPV.
Council on Social Work Education - Annual Program Meeting
The personal stories and diversity of grief from clinicians worldwide.
The Teaching Professors Conference
1) Supporting the success of Deaf/deaf/Hard of Hearing students in an online classroom
2) Establishing the flipped classroom: lessons learned and teaching notes.
NASW Virtual Forum - Trauma through the Social Work Lens, Featured Speaker
Tele-health and Trauma
Social Work Distance Education Conference (SWDE)
Social Justice Treasure Hunt
Global Social Welfare Digital Summit
Helping the helpers online
Educational Developers Caucus
Supporting ourselves and our students: strategies for educational developers to build into their courses.
Society for Social Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference (SSWR)
'My Sister is the one who Made me Stay Above Water': how social supports are strained and maintained when survivors of IPV reside in emergency shelters
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
2023-2024 Donald H. Wulff Diversity Fellowship Winner, POD Network
2020 Team Award, Silver, University Professional & Continuing Education Association, Crisis Management Marketing Award 2020
2020 Team Award, International E-Learning Association, Academic Division -
Blended Learning Category
2019 Steven J. Schinke Innovative Teaching Award, Columbia University
2002 Whitney M. Young Memorial Award, National Assoc. of Social Workers
1999 James A. Sartain Award for scholarship & humanitarianism, University of Richmond
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Journal of Social Work Education
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Advances in Social Work
Clinical Social Work Journal
Gay and Lesbian Mental Health
Council on Social Work Education - Technology Track Chair (2020-2022)
OLC Accelerate Conference Reviewer (2018-Present)
Learning Ideas Conference Committee (2022-2023)
University Service
University Service
Faculty Senate, SCAIT Committee (2022-Present)
Adelphi Pride
(Co-Chair) DSW Exploratory Committee
(Co-Chair) Social Work Licensing Committee
HBSE Committee
Practice Committee
Links provided to external websites, including personal faculty sites, do not imply an endorsement by Adelphi University of those sites, their content, or associated products and services.