“Some involutory Pascal matrices make more involutory Pascal matrices”, Keith Copenhaver, Josh Hiller, Andrew Velasquez-Berroteran∗, College Journal of Mathematics, 2024,
"An axiomatic and historical review of the Armitage and Doll model of carcinogenesis.” W. Zane Billings, Justin Clifton, Josh Hiller, Tommy Meek, Andrew Penland, Wesley Rogers, Gabriella Smokovich, Andrew Velasquez-Berroteran, Eleni Zamagias, 2022, Spora: A Journal of Biomathemat-
ics, Vol (8), 7-15.
“Groups that have a Partition by commuting subsets,” Tuval Foguel, Josh Hiller, Mark Lewisand Aliraza Moghaddamfar, Journal of Group Theory, 2020,, 19 pages.
“A note on Abelian partitionable groups.” Tuval Foguel and Josh Hiller, Communications in Algebra, 2020, Volume 48(8), 3268-3274.
“Policy lessons from spatial-temporal enrollment patterns in Argentina’s payment for ecosystems services scheme.” Mauricio Nunez-Regueiro, Lyn Branch, Josh Hiller, Cristina Nunez-Godoy, Sharmin Siddiqui∗, Jose Volante, and Jose Soto, 2020, Land Use Policy, Vol 95, 8 pages
Asymptotic relative risk results from a simplified Armitage and Doll model of carcinogenesis,” Josh Hiller and James Keesling; Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2018, 80(3), 670-686.
“Characteristic patterns of cancer incidence: Epidemiological data, biological theories, and multistage models, ” Josh Hiller, Celeste Vallejo, Leo Betthauser, and James Keesling, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 2017, Vol. 124, 41-48.
"Old friends in unexpected places: Pascal (and other) matrices in GLn(C),” Josh Hiller; American Mathematical Monthly, 2016, Vol. 123(2), 161-167
“Generalized Ramsey theorems for r-uniform hypergraphs,” Mark Budden, Josh Hiller, and Aaron Rapp; Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 2015, Vol. 63(1), 142-152.
"A proof of two conjectures of Deveci and Karaduman,” Josh Hiller; Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2014, Vol. 446, 163-165