- Ph.D. / Doctor of Philosophy - Information Studies, Long Island University / C.W. Post Campus (2008)
- Master of Science Degree - Information Systems, Pace University, New York City, New York (1996)
- Bachelor of Science Degree - Computer Science, State University of New York at Brockport (1983)
Licenses and Certifications
Licenses and Certifications
• Essentials of Firefighting and Primary Operations; 24A S24CMB613A Nassau County Fire Service Academy; June 2013 • Advanced CPR - August 2011 • New York State Boating Safety Certification – January 2009 • Pace University Teaching Effectively Online Certification – September 2007 • Approach to Teaching and Online Learning Certification – October 2006 • Westwood Certified Instructor – June 2006 • PADI Open Water Diver – June 1994 • New York State Real State Salesman – December 1982
Professional Experience
Professional Experience
January 1990 to February 2009 Vice President / Global Technology
2000 - 2009; Export Licensing Manager: U.S. regulations require that a license, or a license exemption, be obtained before technology is exported by a U.S. company. All technology staff who may be required to export technology as part their jobs must be aware of these regulations and comply with the export compliance standards described in this document. The primary intent of these laws is to prevent advanced technology from being obtained by international terrorists and criminals. Of most concern is technology related to encryption. Responsibilities include: Application Classification, Identifying Projects that may impact Export Control, Software Vendor Export Compliance, Consultant Vendor Export Compliance, Foreign National Employees: “Deemed Export” Compliance, Temporary Work Authorization For Foreign Nationals, Physical Shipment across National Borders, RCSA, Training and Awareness and Hand Carry Letters.
2000 - 2009; Technology Information Security Officer: The TISO is the focal point for ensuring that applications deployed in support of a business provide a level of protection appropriate to the class of information managed in those systems and applications. A TISO must established relationships with the domain architects, project managers and other disciplines within the development unit. In general, the responsibilities include: • Ensure that Technology area practices and processes conform with IS policies and standards, Participate as needed in local and global Peer Review Committee meetings to ensure consistency with IS needs, Perform IS reviews as required related to Project Management. • Ensure entitlement reviews are executed within CitiTech according to defined standards and procedures. • Ensure Vulnerability Assessments are being conducted according to defined standards, Participate in reviews of Ethical Hack results or other Vulnerability assessment testing of web sites owned by the businesses. • Manage the SIRT (Security Incident and Response Team) process, coordinate and track appropriate information security training and awareness programs. • Regularly updates to CitiTech Sr. Management and GISO on key aspects of information security and Provide ongoing management, oversight and reporting related to the IS function.
2000 - 2009; Software Quality Manager: Responsible for the evaluation of departments adherence to the software product standards, processes, and procedures and assuring that standards and procedures are established and are followed throughout the software development life cycle.
2001 - 9/11 Special Project; Collected Global Fixed Income Technology information relating to the collapse of the 7 World Trade Center facility. This data was subsequently reported to legal and governmental agencies.
1996 – 2000; Assistant Vice President; Year 2000 and EMU Program Management
1990 – 1996; Technology Project Manager; Budget and Human Resource management: • Technology management of back office loan application: CLASS (UNIX/Oracle/XML), Citiloan (Mainframe), Subledger, iLoan and Trade Tracker. Responsibilities include production support, product development and budgeting. Applications interface with funds transfer, general ledger, treasury and fax notification systems. • Successful deployment of Corporate Loans Asset Sales System on time and $300,000 below budget despite 40% staff reduction during the construction phase. The CLASS application is the primary Citigroup syndication application distributing over $30 Billion annually. • Vendor management and oversight of external resources that provide hardware and software support for critical applications. • Collected Global Fixed Income Technology information relating to the collapse of the 7 World Trade Center facility. This data was subsequently reported to legal and governmental agencies. • Project Manager for Global Production Services Intranet projects. Responsibilities include content development and purchase of software/hardware products (http://citiweb.citicorp.com/grb/grb/operations/gpsweb/). Website evolved into a management-tracking tool to provide timely updates on major projects and to post critical notifications.
Muscular Dystrophy Association; August 1988 to January 1990 - Senior Programmer / Analyst
Business Envelope; May 1986 to August 1988 - Senior Programmer / Analyst
Adelphi University; October 1984 to May 1986 - Administrative Programmer
Qualified Lead Systems; August 1983 to September 1984; Chicago, Illinois - Junior Programmer
Personal Statement
Personal Statement
Learning is the main purpose of education. It is the goal of every student and the task of every teacher to increase knowledge and understanding in the classroom to the best of their abilities. Independent thought is essential to the development of each student. Being able to form unique independent ideas will serve them both in and outside of the classroom. The teacher should also be prepared to lead students in the direction they should go to search for correct conclusions and answers, without always providing the answers themselves. Finally, by using information, students should be able to apply what they have learned to new life or learning situations.
Teachers should also set specific and achievable goals for students. Mastery of information, or subject matter, has always been the goal for teachers. In addition, long term goals for individual students should be set. As a part of this, the intellectual development of each student should continue over time, allowing students to use what they are learning later in life. It is also the hope of all teachers (sometimes unrealistic) that students will develop an interest in the subject area being taught. Although this does not occur in all cases, students should at the very least develop an appreciation for the subject and the material being taught in the classroom.
As a doctoral graduate of Long Island University, a top-tier program in Information Science, I received a Ph.D. Information Studies that was not only methodologically rigorous, but which also sparked my interest and excitement about scholarly research. My research in management information systems is guided by my belief that it is my responsibility and duty to pursue, capture, discover, create, and transmit knowledge about the way that information technology is developed, managed, and used. The purpose and result of this is to enable me to translate what I have learned into information that can be disseminated via professional publications and correspondence, to my students in and outside of the classroom, and to the university and broader community.
I believe that service is key to self-fulfillment and happiness in life. In fact, I believe there is a direct, causal correlation between life satisfaction and service. This is because, as we serve, not only do we find personal satisfaction, we are also able to put our own problems into perspective. I also believe that all members of society who are fortunate enough to have received a university education have a fundamental and even fiduciary responsibility to use their knowledge to benefit society.
Recent Courses
Recent Courses
First Year Seminar: Essential Life Skills
Computer Applications For Healthcare Managers
Health Analytics,Big Data And Natural Language Processing
Health Management Information Systems And Organizational Behavior
Informatics In Health Care
Management Information Systems And Business Analytics
Learning is the main purpose of education. It is the goal of every student and the task of every teacher to increase knowledge and understanding in the classroom to the best of their abilities. Independent thought is essential to the development of each student. Being able to form unique independent ideas will serve them both in and outside of the classroom. The teacher should also be prepared to lead students in the direction they should go to search for correct conclusions and answers, without always providing the answers themselves. Finally, by using information, students should be able to apply what they have learned to new life or learning situations.
In order to aid students in reaching their desired learning goals, the curriculum must have a clear set of focused objectives. Professors should act as guides, advisors and facilitators, especially in the university setting. Students at this level need input and more assistance in deciding on courses to best reach their personal academic and ever changing career goals. Students also need to feel comfortable approaching their instructor for discussion outside of class. By instructors acting as mentors to students, the students can begin to make professional contacts, find professors to aid in career plans and use for recommendations, and have an academic source to call upon when stresses (and the inevitable frustrations) of classes begin to be overwhelming. Instructors need to make education as enjoyable and beneficial as possible to for students.
Teachers should also set specific and achievable goals for students. Mastery of information, or subject matter, has always been the goal for teachers. In addition, long term goals for individual students should be set. As a part of this, the intellectual development of each student should continue over time, allowing students to use what they are learning later in life. It is also the hope of all teachers (sometimes unrealistic) that students will develop an interest in the subject area being taught. Although this does not occur in all cases, students should at the very least develop an appreciation for the subject and the material being taught in the classroom.
How does one implement this philosophy? No single teacher will be able to implement all of their personal educational philosophies at one time. By showing ideas and concepts from the teaching material and the importance for day-to-day use, the teacher can begin to foster a positive collegial relationship with the student and achieve their philosophical goals.
Any statement of teaching philosophy at this point in time must be cognizant of critical paradigm changes that are altering the foundations of the education process. Our students are true “Information Age” products, born into the ubiquitous computing world. Despite these changes, higher education needs to stay diligent and focused on creating an atmosphere of deeper thinking and ensuring student learn to communicate with elegance and simplicity, always mindful of social responsibilities
Research Interests
Research Interests
• Disaster Recovery
• Information Security
• Health Care Informatics
Thomas James Virgona (2011). September 11, 2001: A Study of the Human Aspects of Disaster Recovery Efforts for Wall Street Financial Services Firms. Saarbrucken, Germany, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG.
Thomas James Virgona (2013), Towards an Epistemological Definition of the Research Front of Information and Society. Journal of Business and Economics, 4(3), 202-221.
Thomas James Virgona (2013), Graduate nursing student self-assessment: Fundamental technology skills. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, Vol. 3, No.3.
Thomas James Virgona (2012), Exploring Health Information Technology Education; An Analysis Of The Research. Technology and Health Care, 20 (4), 236-246.
Thomas James Virgona (2011), September 11, 2001 In Retrospect: A decade on, what business continuity and information security lessons have we learners? The Business Continuity Journal, 4 (3).
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Virgona, T. J. (2024). Decline in the Confidence of College Professors; A Self-Inflicted Issue? 51st Annual Northeast Business & Economics Association (NBEA) Conference (pp. 256-258). Danbury, Connecticut: Northeast Business & Economics Association.
Virgona, T. J. (2023). Kitchen Table Conversation for Newly Hired College Professors. Northeast Business & Economics Association - Fiftieth Annual Conference (pp. 233-234). Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania : Northeast Business & Economics Association.
Virgona, T. (2022). Education as a Commodity: An Experimental Conversation on Systemic Racism. 2022 Conference Proceeding Northeast Business Economics Association (pp. 124-126). Portsmouth, New Hampshire: NBEA.
Virgona, T. J. (2021). Defining the Education Crisis on Long Island. 2021 NBEA Conference Proceedings (pp. 247-249). Atlantic City, NJ: Northeast Business and Economics Association.
Virgona, T. J. (2020). Grade Inflation at the University Level:The New Reality.
Northeast Business & Economics Association (pp. 159-162). A Virtual Conference; New Hampshire: 47th Northeast Business & Economics Association.
Virgona, T. (2019). Cryptocurrency [Bitcoin]: Disruption to Wall Street Veterans . 46th Northeast Business & Economics Association. Newport, Rhode Island: Northeast Business & Economics Association.
Virgona, T. J. (2018). Informatics Robotics; A Preliminary Ontology Grounded in Epistemology. 2018 Northeast Business & Economics Association Conference Proceedings (pp. 318-320). Galloway, New Jersey : Northeast Business & Economics Association.
Virgona, T. J. (2017). Healthcare Information Security; The Hidden Value of Unmarketable Information. Northeast Business and Economics Association Proceedings (pp. 263-265). Port Jefferson, New York: NBEA.
Virgona, T. J. (2016). Perception of E-mail as a Significant Factor in Information Overload. Northeast Business & Economics Association Proceedings, 2016 (pp. 285-289). West Point Military Academy, New York: Northeast Business & Economics Association.
Thomas J. Virgona (2015). Towards a Definition of the Sports Information Research Front. In Northeast Business & Economics Association 2015 Conference Proceedings (pp. 265-268). York College, The City University of New York, Jamaica, NY.
Thomas Virgona (2014). Sport Information Retrieval; A study of Web Evaluation Criteria. In Northeast Business & Economics Association (pp. 444-448). Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ.
Thomas Virgona (2014). Emergency Management Planning and Leadership; Lessons Learned from Katrina. In Northeast Business & Economics Association (pp. 440-443). Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ.
Thomas James Virgona (2012). Towards an assessment of metadata acuity in academic research: A case study of search engines. In Northeast Business and Economics Association; 39th Annual Meeting / October 25-27, 2012 (pp. 6). Hosted by Worchester State University, Port Jefferson, NY.
Thomas James Virgona (2011). Continued Business Operation During a Disaster and the Removal of Information Security. In Annual Northeast Business & Economics Association (pp. 585-592). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: St. Joseph's University.
Thomas James Virgona (2011). A Historical Study of Disaster Recovery. In Conference Proceedings. Northeast Business & Economics Association. 37th Annual Meeting. Hosted by the School of Business, Montclair State University.
Other Work
Other Work
Doctoral Dissertation LIU - C.W. Post;
September 11, 2001: A Study of the Human Aspects of Disaster Recovery Efforts for Wall Street Financial Services Firms
Fundamental Organizational and Social Changes Initiated by the Diffusion of Telecommuting Into the Workplace”. School of Computer Science and Information Systems Pace University Technical Reports. Number 111. April 1997.
Emergency Response Plan Communication and Implementation Within Higher Education Institutions: A Qualitative Descriptive Design. Warwick, BethAnn Julie. Grand Canyon University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2023.
"Perceived Informatics Competencies among Midwives: A Cross-Sectional Study in the Sunyani Municipality of Ghana." Danso Kweku Owusua, Daniel Ekpah Audub, Robert Saforo Mensah Student’s Journal of Health Research Africa 2022-03-30 | https://sjhresearchafrica.org/index.php/public-html/article/download/91/67
Progress in Disaster Science Volume 7, October 2020, "Disaster informatics: An overview" N.Verstaevelb https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pdisas.2020.100111
"Using an Electronic assessment system for nursing students on placements" Julie Smith and Walter Cambers; British Journal of Nursing, 2017, Vol 26, No 21; available at; https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2017.26.21.1192
"Towards an Informatics Competent Nursing Profession: Validation of the Self-Assessment of Nursing Informatics Competency Scale (SANICS) Before and After Online Informatics Training". Virgona Citation. http://media.proquest.com/media/pq/classic/doc/3814480881/fmt/ai/rep/NPDF?_s=kNCPG8smph7wacNrQfzOVxwg7VE%3D. October 2015.
"Critical Dimensions of Disaster Recovery Planning". Citation for Dr. Virgona Research; Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) emerged in the 1970s, during the era of electronic data processing when mainframe systems were used to crunch data and provide reports for business analysis. http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijbm/article/viewFile/39550/23227. November 2014.
"The ACM Digital Library // http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2596939". July 2012.
"Nurse Informaticists Making a Difference in Health Care IT // http://www.nursezone.com/nursing-news-events/more-news/Nurse-Informaticists-Making-a-Difference-in-Health-Care-IT_38978.aspx". January 2012.
"Lessons Learned and Unlearned; The Tenth Anniversary of September 11th, 2001 /// Columbia University". http://www.firstamendmentstudies.org/wp/pdf/1st_pl_moller.pdf. September 2011.
"New Report Stresses More Human Intervention in Information Systems Designs Needed // http://www.continuitycompliance.org/new-report-stresses-more-human-intervention-in-information-systems-designs-needed/#ixzz39Gc8kqQY". September 2011.
"Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department - Emergency Management in Australia". http://www.em.gov.au/library/Onlineresources/Newjournalarticles/Pages/JournalarticlesOctoberNovember2010.aspx. November 2010.
"Metadata Quality and the Use of Hierarchical Schemes to Determine Meta Keywords: An Exploration // http://www.unc.edu/~fidelman/INLS382/INLS382MApaperFF.doc". April 2006.
Images, Videos
Images, Videos
o Summer 2014; Columbia University, New York – Geographic Information Systems. CHI Scholarship
o Spring 2013; Adelphi Faculty Development Grant: EMT First Responders: An Information Technology Assessment.
o Summer 2012; North Shore / LIJ Ambulatory Care
Dissertations Chaired
Dissertations Chaired
Robert Peart (2013). An Analysis of Research in Distance Learning. LIU - Post.
Projects Mentored
Projects Mentored
2019 Northeast Business & Economics Association Conference; Adelphi HIN Presenters - Alexa J. Mondello; Telehealth and Chronic Disease: A Review of the Literature - Ronald Tomlinson; Computer Applications and Technology Innovations in Healthcare - Keisha S. Terry; Are Clinical Decision Support Systems Improving Patient Care?
2018 Northeast Business & Economics Association Conference; Adelphi HIN Presenters - Marie Jimenez; Effects of Clinical Decision Support Systems in Preventing Postoperative Complications - Keisha S. Terry; The Evolution of Health Informatics
2017 Northest Business Economics Association; Adelphi HIN Presenters - Marie Jimenez - "Effects of Barcode Medication Administration: Literature Review" - Dinnah Bulosan - "Computer Application on Surgical Robotics: An Overview" - Michelle Addison, Danielle Carragher, & Dinnah Bulosan - "Dimida 3.0: The Leading Breakhrough in - Cardiac Pump Innovation" - Dinnah Bulosan - "Computer Application on Surgical Robotics: An Overview - Elizabeth Gilmartin - "Mobile Mental Health Application for Veterans - Michelle Addison - "The Direct Impact That Healthcare Informatics Had on Reducing Medication Errors That Occur in Healthcare" - Danielle M. Carragher - "Systems Analysis and Design Challenges"
2016 Northest Business Economics Association; Adelphi HIN Presenters; West Point, New York
- Crystal Cancel; Advancements in Healthcare IT in the U.S. and Internationally
- Danielle M. Carragher; Proteus Digital Health Inc. – Ingestible SensoR
- Brian Fike; Computer Applications in Healthcare: Telehealth & Telemedicine
- Joseph Franolich; Health Information Technology - Literature Review
- Stella N. Uwechia; Investigating Computer Applications and Technology Innovations over the Last Decade in the Healthcare Field: A Literature Review
2015 Northest Business Economics Association; Adelphi HIN Presenters
Brush, Wightman
2015 Adelphi Undergraduate 2015 Research Award
Yurim Mun
2014 Adelphi Research Day
Kathleen Brush - “Clinical Data Interchange & Decision Support” Mary Wightman - “It’s official, hoarding is HD."
2013 Adelphi University’s Tenth Annual Research Conference Rosannie Lopez
2012 Northest Business Economics Association; Adelphi HIN Presenters
Patricia Savage; Application of Digital Imaging and Transmission in Monitoring of Isolated Post Surgical Patients
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
Academic Honors
• Adelphi University / Tenured - June 2017 • Westwood College / Distinguished Faculty Nomination – August 2008 • Long Island University / C.W. Post Research Competition; Honorable Mention - Spring 2001
East Rockaway Fire Department Service Awards
o Superstorm Sandy Response o COVID-19 o Hose Company #1 East Rockaway Fire Department - Top Ten 2013, 2014, 2015 o Five year service award - April 2017 o Ten year service award - April 2022
Community Outreach
Community Outreach
Firefighter - East Rockaway Fire Department;
Engine 405 Company
Badge #516; Class “A” Interior Firefighter
Service Awards;
- Superstorm Sandy Response - COVID-19 - Hose Company #1 East Rockaway Fire Department Top Ten Response Percentage; 2013, 2014, 2015 - Five year service award; April 2017 - Ten year service award; April 2022
Firefighter Service Training
- Advanced First Aid CPR/AED; Passed August 18th, 2012 - 3 Month Probationary Test Passed; September 2012 - Ladder Cross Train with 403: Passed September 25th, 2012 - Forcible Entry Cross Train with 403: Passed October 16th, 2012 - 6 Month SCBA Test Passed; December 2012 - Hazardous Materials Operations; May 2013 - Essentials of Firefighting and Primary Operations; 24A S24CMB613A Nassau - County Fire Service Academy; June 2013 - Bailout training (Ten jumps and class); Completed October 13th, 2013.
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Member; Northeast Business & Economics Association - 2011 to Present
University Service
University Service
Service to Adelphi University and College of Nursing and Public Health (CNPH)
- Faculty Committee On Retention, Tenure and Promotion (2020 - 2023) - University Faculty Hearing Committee (2018 - 2020) - Pearson Healthcare Informatics Relationship (2012 - 2019) - Co Chair; Unit Peer Review Committee (2017 - 2020) - CNPH Evaluation Committee (2015 - 2022) - School of Nursing Academic Standards (2013 - Present) - Adelphi University Faculty Senate (2012 - 2018, 2023 to Present) - Director; Healthcare Informatics Graduate Program (2011-2018) - RN to BS CNPH Committee (2014 - 2017) - Adelphi Faculty Senate; Learning Goals Task Force (2013 – 2014) - Online Learning [Adelphi Focus Group] (2015) - Adelphi University SCAIT Committee (2011-2013) - Attended Graduate Open Houses - Proctor ATI Exams - Sim Committee (2024 – Present)
Links provided to external websites, including personal faculty sites, do not imply an endorsement by Adelphi University of those sites, their content, or associated products and services.