Ed.D., Cognitive Studies, Teachers College, Columbia University (2006)
M.A., Teaching: Elementary Education, Johns Hopkins University (1999)
B.S., Marine Science: Biology, Long Island University, Southampton (1990)
Recent Courses
Recent Courses
Children'S Play: A Source Of Development And Learning
Development Of Mathematical Thinking In Young Children
Integrated Content For Early Childhood Education
Math And Technology In Childhood Education
Early childhood education
Mathematics education
Teacher Professional Development
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching always works to the best advantage when it is equally inclusive of the teacher and the students. It should be engaging. It should be challenging. It should be meaningful. Too often, when we do not understand a topic that we teach, and are not passionately enthralled with it, we try to instill meaning through artifice or context, without recognition of the intrinsic value of authenticity. However, many of us have experiences in which we took a class – one which the topic may not have initially been intriguing or enthralling. But having a teacher that was passionate about the subject, we gained a true appreciation for the subject, and enjoyed the authentic passion of someone enjoying their passion. It is with experiences such as these that we learn that teaching is not merely “teaching”, it is understanding, appreciating, and sharing.
Research Interests
Research Interests
Mathematics instruction
Instructional quality and measure development
Use of manipulatives in teaching mathematics
Teacher professional development
Japanese lesson study
Curriculum development
Special education (Autism)
Ginsburg, H. P., & Ertle, B. B. (2016). Giving away early mathematics: Big Math for Little Kids encounters the complex world of early education. In K. Durkin & R. Schaffer (Eds.). Blackwell Handbook of Developmental Psychology in Action: Opportunities and Obstacles in Giving Developmental Psychology Away.
Ginsburg, H. P., Ertle, B., Lewis-Presser, A., & Clements, P. (2013). Math curriculum and instruction for young children. In V. Buysse & E. Peisner-Feinberg (Eds.). Handbook of Response to Intervention (RTI) in Early Childhood. (pp. 251-264). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co..
Ginsburg, H. P., Duch, H., Ertle, B. & Noble, K. G. (2012). How can parents help their children learn math? In B. H. Wasik (Eds.). Handbook of Family Literacy, Second Edition. (pp. 51-65). New York, NY: Routledge.
Brenneman, K., Boller, K., Atkins-Burnett, S., Stipek, D., Forry, N. D., Ertle, B. B., French, L., Ginsburg, H. P., Frede, E., & Schultz, T. (2011). Measuring the quality of early childhood math and science curricula and teaching. In M. Zaslow, I. Martinez-Beck, K. Tout, & T. Halle (Eds.). Quality Measurement in Early Childhood Settings. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co..
Ginsburg, H. P., & Ertle, B. (2008). Knowing the mathematics in early childhood mathematics. In O. N. Saracho & B. Spodek (Eds.). Contemporary Perspectives on Mathematics in Early Childhood Education. (pp. 45-66). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ertle, B. B., Ginsburg, H. P., Cordero, M. I., Curran, T. M., Manlapig, L., & Morgenlander, M. (2008). The essence of early childhood mathematics education and the professional development needed to support it. In A. Dowker (Eds.). Mathematical Difficulties: Psychology, Neuroscience and Interventions. (pp. 59-83). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.
Ertle, B. (2017). Using mathematical analyses activities to improve manipulative discrimination in early childhood teacher education. Journal of Early Childhood Education, 38(2), 136-149.
Ertle, B., Rosenfeld, D., Lewis-Presser, A.E., & Goldstein, M. (2016). Preparing preschool teachers to use and benefit from formative assessment: The Birthday Party Assessment Professional Development System. ZDM Mathematics Education. doi:10.1007/s11858-016-0785-9
Lewis-Presser, A., Clements, M., Ginsburg, H. P., & Ertle, B. (2015), Big Math for Little Kids: The effectiveness of a preschool and kindergarten mathematics curriculum. Early Education and Development, 26 (3), 399-426.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Ertle, B. & Minicozzi, L. (2013). Pre-Service Teachers' Perceptions of the Knowledge-Base Needed for Early Childhood Special Education. In New York State Council for Exceptional Children (NYSCEC) Annual Conference. Melville, NY.
Ertle, B. & Minicozzi, L. (2013). Pre-Service Teachers' Perceptions of the Knowledge-Base Needed for Early Childhood Education. In New York State Association for the Education of Young Children (NYSAEYC) Annual Conference. Verona, NY.
Ertle, B. (2008). "How did you get that answer?": How to analyze children's mathematical thinking. In National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Ertle, B. (2008). I didn't know they knew that! Using formative assessment to promote children's early math development. In National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Ertle, B. (2007). The development of children's mathematical thinking: What it looks like in the classroom. In Observing and Assessing the Preschool Learner. New York, New York.
Cordero, M., Curran, T., & Ertle, B. (2007). A professional development model for promoting effective mathematics instruction in the early childhood classroom. In NAEYC National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Ertle, B. & Minicozzi, L. (2014, January). The Perceptions and Realities of Early Childhood Education. The Children's School for Early Development, Hawthorne, NY.
Ertle, B. (2010, November). Promoting Mathematical Literacy in Young Children. Middle Country Library Foundation, Distinguished Speakers Series, Centereach, NY.
Other Work
Other Work
Ertle, B. (2023). Matching cups: Numbers & Counting Games & Play. Development and Research in Early Mathematics Education. https://familymath.stanford.edu/activity/matching-cups/
Ertle, B. (2023). Tips and activities to support children’s shape knowledge. Development and Research in Early Mathematics Education. https://familymath.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Shape-Tips-and-Activities-by-Barbrina-Ertle.pdf
Ertle, B. (2022, March 1). 8 tips for learning to count groups of things. Development and Research in Early Mathematics Education. https://dreme.stanford.edu/news/8-tips-for-learning-to-count-groups-of-things/
Ertle, B. (2021). Tips and activities to support children’s number knowledge. Unpublished manuscript.
Ertle, B. (2021). Tips and activities to support children’s pattern knowledge. Unpublished manuscript.
Ertle, B. (2021). Tips and activities to support children’s measurement knowledge. Unpublished manuscript.
Ertle, B. (2020). Math picture book activity guide: Now What? A Math Tale, by Robie H. Harris. Unpublished manuscript.
Ertle, B. (2020). Math picture book activity guide: Pattern Fish, by Trudy Harris. Unpublished manuscript.
Ertle, B. (2020). Math picture book activity guide: Eric Carle’s 123. Unpublished manuscript.
Ertle, B. (2020). Math picture book activity guide: 12 Ways to Get to 11, by Eve Merriam. Unpublished manuscript.
Ertle, B. (2020). Math picture book activity guide: The Shape of Things, by Dayle Ann Dodds. Unpublished manuscript.
Ertle, B. (2019, May 3). 3 storybook activities to deepen math understanding. Development and Research in Early Mathematics Education. https://dreme.stanford.edu/news/3-storybook-activities-to-deepen-math-understanding/
Ertle, B. (2019).
Math picture book activity guide: Let’s Count, by La Coccinella.
Ertle, B. (2019).
Math picture book activity guide: Mouse Shapes, by Ellen Stoll Walsh. https://dreme.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/mouse_shapes_activity.pdf
Ertle, B. (2019).
Math picture book activity guide: Crash! Boom! A Math Tale, by Robie H. Harris. https://dreme.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/crash_boom_activity.pdf
Ertle, B. (2014). Math skills task assessment - KG1: Teacher guide and scoring sheet. Unpublished measure, Atfal Abu Dhabi Kindergarten, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Ertle, B. (2014). Math skills task assessment – KG2: Teacher guide and scoring sheet. Unpublished measure, Atfal Abu Dhabi Kindergarten, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Ertle, B. (2013). Parent math activities. Unpublished manuscript.
Ertle, B. (2012). Dot card activities. Unpublished manuscript.
Ertle, B. (2012). Math activities and teachers guide. Unpublished manuscript.
Ertle, B. (2012). Recommended scope and sequence: Number - Collins Math supplemented with Big Math for Little Kids. Unpublished manuscript, Atfal Abu Dhabi Kindergarten, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
2021, Faculty Development Grant, Adelphi University
Measuring the Effectiveness of a Digital Game Designed to Promote Subitizing Skills in Young Children with David Chays (Mathematics and Computer Science) and Saleh Aliyari (Mathematics and Computer Science, Guest Scholar)
Theses Advised
Theses Advised
Project Advisor, 2021, Constructivist strategies in mathematics education: An examination of the advantages and possible disadvantages.
Project Advisor, 2021, The benefits of implementing art into elementary mathematics education.
Project Advisor, 2021, Strategies and methods for math special education.
Committee Member, 2023, Impact of developmental stages on mathematics learning in adolescents.
Projects Mentored
Projects Mentored
Ertle, B., Chays, D., Aliyari, S. Mentoring undergraduate students involved in project: Developing apps for authentic and engaging early mathematics learning.
University Service
University Service
CAEP (previously NCATE) SPA Report Writer – Early Childhood Programs – 2011 to present
Unit Peer Review Committee – Fall 2017 to Spring 2018
Assessment, Standards, & Policies Committee – Fall 2014 to present
Ad hoc Dispositions Committee – Fall 2012 to Spring 2016
Governance and Elections Committee – Fall 2009 to Spring 2014
Adelphi Summer Institute in Mathematics and Science Education – Summer 2010
New Program Course Development - 8 courses, 2010 to 2016
Faculty Search Committees - 5 committees, 2 as chair, 2011 to 2023
Faculty Senate – Fall 2015 to Spring 2018
Autism Task Force – 2009 to 2016
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