PhD, University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Policy (2009)
MA, Yonsei University, School of Social Welfare (2004)
BA, Yonsei University, College of Social Science (1999)
Recent Courses
Recent Courses
Issues In Social Welfare I: History And Philosophy Of Social Welfare
Oppression Diversity,And The Struggle For Human Rights
Social Work Research I
Social Work Research II
Social Welfare Policy
Research Methodology
Applied Statistics
Tae Kuen Kim (2006). Data analysis for social science: Regression analysis. Seoul, Korea, Republic of: Human & Welfare.
Kim, T. K. (2017), Why did Trumpcare fail to beat Obamacare?: Political and social implications of US health insurance policy. Global Social Security Review, 2.
Kim, T. K., & Quiros, L. (2013), Uncovering the dynamics of poverty in Korean households: A typology of the poor. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4.
Kim, T. K., Solomon, P., & Jang, S. (2012), How organizational justice affects social workers' intention to leave. Social Work Research, 36.
Kim, T. K., Solomon, P, & Zurlo, K. (2009), A Primer for dealing with multi-level data: Analyzing multi-level data using hierarchical linear modeling. Administration in Social Work, 33(3).
Kim, T. K. (2009), Three types of the poor: Poverty duration and poverty recidivism. Korean Social Welfare Research, 24.
Kim T. K. (2009), Globalization and state-supported welfare: A test of the curve-linear hypothesis in OECD countries. International Social Work, 52(2).
Kim, T. K., & Zurlo, K. (2008), How economic globalization affects the welfare state? Focusing on the mediating effect of welfare regimes. International Journal of Social Welfare, 18(2).
Kim, T. K., & Zurlo, K. (2007), Factors that influence workfare program participants: Focusing on South Korea¡¯s Self-Sufficiency Program. International Social Work, 50(6).
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Kim, T. K., & Lee, E. K. (October 2018). 64th CSWE Annual Program Meeting (2018). The dynamics of welfare attitudes: A comparison between Korean and the US citizens. Paper presentation at 63rd CSWE Annual Program Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Lee, E, & Kim, T. K. (January 2018). How Culture Affects the Public’s Welfare Attitudes?: A Comparative Study. Paper presentation at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington D.C.
Lee, E. K. & Kim, T. K. (2017). Impact of economic crisis on Korean public opinion regarding welfare. In Paper presentation at the 63rd Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Dallas, TX.
Yoon, S., & Kim T. K. (2013). Understanding the role of social support in relation to parenting stress and risk of child maltreatment among Asian American immigrant parents. In Paper presentation at One Child, Many Hands Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Kim, T. K., & Panchanadeswaran, S. (2012). How social welfare expenditure affects globalization? In Paper presentation at the 7th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science. Barcelona, Spain.
Kim, T. K., & Lane, S. (2011). Government health expenditure and public health outcomes. In Paper presentation at the 15th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Tampa, FL.
Zurlo, K., & Kim, T. K. (2010). Transitioning to retirement and the effects of social ties on life satisfaction. In Paper presentation at the 63rd Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting. New Orleans, LA.
Song, I., & Kim, T. K. (2010). Suicide rate and welfare expenditure among OECD countries. In Poster presentation at the 138th American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
Zurlo, K., & Kim, T. K. (2010). Life satisfaction and social ties among retired adults. In Paper presentation at the 14th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). San Francisco, CA.
Kim, T. K., & Joshi, M. (2010). Three types of "the poor": A typology using poverty duration and poverty recurrence. In Paper presentation at the 14th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). San Francisco, CA.
Rhodes, K., Cerulli, C., Kothari, C., Dichter, M, Kim, T. K., & Marcus, S. (2009). Does victim participation in intimate partner violence prosecution improve safety? In Paper presentation at the 137th American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
Kim, T. K., & Jang, S. (2009). A multilevel analysis of organizational justice and intention to leave in social work organizations. In Paper presentation at the 13th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). New Orleans, LA.
Kim, T. K., & Zurlo, K. (2009). The impact of organizational culture on the empowerment of social workers: Application of multilevel modeling to social work research. In Paper presentation at the 12th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Washington, DC.
Kim, T. K. (2008). Globalization: Is it welfare crisis or opportunity? Empirical analysis of curve-linear hypothesis. In Paper presentation at the 54th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Philadelphia, PA.
Kim, T. K. (2008). How economic globalization affects the welfare state? Focusing on the mediating effect of welfare regimes. In Paper presentation at the 12th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Washington, DC.
Zurlo, K., & Kim, T. K. (2007). Empirical analysis of the factor affecting the performance of workfare program participants. In Paper presentation at the 53rd Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). San Francisco, CA.
Kim, T. K., & Zurlo, K. (2007). Analyzing multilevel data using hierarchical linear modeling in social work research. In Paper presentation at the 53rd Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). San Francisco, CA.
Kim, T. K. (2005). Empirical analysis of the effectiveness of anti-poverty policy. In Paper presentation at the 2005 Plenum of the International Social Work & Society Academy (TiSSA). Gdansk, Poland.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Kim, T. K. (2010, March). The application of Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) to social work research. Advanced Research Topics (Doctoral Course), School of Social Work, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY.
Kim, T. K. (2010, February). Buddhist idea on pedagogy: Learning through questions. Faculty Teaching Seminar, School of Social Work, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY.
Kim, T. K. (2009, March). A typology of the poor: Focusing on poverty duration and the number of poverty spells. Center for East Asian Study, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Kim, T. K. (2007, September). Asian economic crisis and welfare reform in Korea. Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Adelphi University, Faculty Development Grant. Impact of Organizational Justice in Human Service Agency. Awarded Mar. 20, 2011 to Tae Kuen Kim, PI. $2,500.
Adelphi University, Faculty Development Grant. Political Ramification of Government Social Expenditure. Awarded Feb. 10, 2010 to Tae Kuen Kim, PI. $1,500.
University of Pennsylvania, Office of the Vice Provost for Research, YHP Fellowship. Income Security of the Working Poor: Impact of Social Income Transfers on Poverty Reduction. Awarded July 16, 2008 to Tae Kuen Kim, PI. $42,500.
JEHT Foundation. Parole release decisions: Effects of positive and negative victim and non-victim input. Awarded Sept 30, 2008 to Tae Kuen Kim, Statistics Consultation. $5,900.
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
Included in the 2011 edition of Marquis Who¡¯s Who in America
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Reviewer, 2012 Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Conference
Reviewer, Justice Quarterly
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