Recent Courses
Recent Courses
Dissertation Guidance I
Dissertation Guidance II
Dissertation Guidance: III
Evolving Issues In Higher Education
Philosophical Foundations Of Nursing Science
Courses Previously Taught
Courses Previously Taught
Qualitative Research Methods
Evolving Issues in Higher Education
Nursing education,creative teaching methods,role of humanities in graduate education,nursing philosophy,theory and scholarship and higher education
Aloia, J.,Donohue-Porter,P., & Schlussel, L. (1984). Diabetes: A Comprehensive Self-management Guide. NY, NY: Doubleday.
Donohue-Porter, P. (2013). Narratives of courage: The voice of clients in community health nursing. In S. Holzemer & M. Klainberg (Eds.). Community Health Alliance for Care. (pp. 123-143). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Jacobowitz, W., Mancini, K., Swenson, D., & Donohue-Porter, P. (2024). A NCLEX-RN Improvement Project: A study of student attributes associated with test success. Journal of Nursing Education, 63(2), 102-107.
Donohue-Porter, P., Eckardt, P., Prottas, D.. Rondello, K.C. & Silberstang, J. (2019). A bridge to nursing leadership communication success: Impact of leader-member exchange on nursing administrative relationships. Nurse Leader. 17(6), 546-551.
Donohue-Porter, P., Forbes, M.O., White, J. H., & Baumann, S. L.(2017). Transforming nursing education and the formation of students: Using the Humanbecoming paradigm. Nursing Science Quarterly, 30(2), 134-142.
Thomas, L., Donohue-Porter, P., Fishbein, J. (2017). Impact of interruptions, distractions and cognitive load on procedure failures and medication administration errors. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 32(4), 309-317.
Donohue-Porter, P. (2014), The creative elan of nursing theory: Indispensable to leadership. Nursing Science Quarterly, 27 (4), 330-335.
Donohue-Porter, P. (2013), Nursing's role in courage development in patients facing complications of diabetes. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 31(1), 49-61.
Donohue-Porter, P. (2012), Creating a culture of shared governance begins with developing the nurse as scholar. Creative Nursing, 18, 160-167.
Thomas, L. & Donohue-Porter, P. (2012), Blending evidence and innovation: Improving intershift handoffs in a multihospital setting. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 27 (2), 116-124.
Donohue-Porter, P., Forbes, M.O., White, J.H (2011), Nursing theory in curricula today: Challenges for faculty at all levels of education. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 8 (1) Article 14.
Donohue-Porter, P. (2009), Diabetes education nurses handle complexity with care. Nursing 2009, 39 Career Directory.
Donohue-Porter, P. (1989), Diabetes now: Patient education makes all the difference. RN, 52, 56-60.
Donohue-Porter, P. (1985), Infections and diabetes. Nursing Clinics of North America, 20(1), 191-198.
Rottkamp, B. & Donohue-Porter, P. (1983), The role of patient needs and preferences for instructional approaches in self-management of diabetes. Patient Counseling and Health Education, 4(3), 137-145.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Donohue-Porter, P. Innovation in the Education of Nurse Scientists: Examining Liminality in the PhD in Nursing. Eastern Nursing Research Society 31st Annual Scientific Sessions, Providence, RI, April 2019.
Donohue-Porter, P. Accepting the challenge of Toulmin: Honoring the transmit of nursing theory. Case Western Reserve University, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing. Nursing Theory: A 50 Year Perspective: Past & Future, Cleveland, OH., March, 2019
Donohue-Porter, P., Forbes, M.O., White, J.H. (2018). Barriers to Quality in Qualitative Research:Advancing Nursing Science, Eastern Nursing Research Society, Newark, NJ.
Donohue-Porter, P. (2016). Improvement Science & Caring Science: Intertwined through Nursing Theory. In International Association for Human Caring and the Society for Rogerian Scholars Conference. Boston, MA.
Thomas, L. & Donohue-Porter, P. (2016). Impact of Cognitive Load, Interruptions, and Distractions on Procedural Failures and Medication Administration Errors. In Eastern Nursing Research Society. Pittsburgh, PA.
Donohue-Porter, P. (2016). Exploring Nursing Theoretical Perspectives: A Collegial Integration to promote Health & Leadership. In Eastern Nursing Research Society. Pittsburgh, PA.
Thomas, L. & Donohue-Porter, P. (2015). The Covert Dynamics of Medication Administration Errors. In Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). 27th Annual IHI National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care, Orlando, FL.
Donohue-Porter, P. (2013). Theoretical Underpinnings of a Culture of Inquiry. In Eastern Nursing Research Society. Boston, MA.
Donohue-Porter, P. & Eckardt, P. (Prottas, D., Rondello, K.C., Silberstang, J.) (2013). Building Bridges in Leadership Communication: LMX Theory's Impact on Nursing Administrative Relationships. In Eastern Nursing Research Society. Boston, MA.
Donohue-Porter, P. (2012). Courage Development: Connections to Caring between Nurse and Patient. In International Conference on Human Caring. Philadelphia, PA.
Thomas, L. & Donohue-Porter, P (2011). Translating Evidence into Practice: Implementing Optimal Intershift Handoffs. In Eastern Nursing Research Society. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Eckardt, P. & Donohue-Porter, P. (2011). Moving Health Policy Forward: Elements of Success in an Interdisciplinary Team Approach to a Research Project. In Eastern Nursing Research Society. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Donohue-Porter, P., Forbes, M.O & White, J.H. (2011). Meeting the Challenges to the Theory-Practice Relationship: Federal Legislation & Doctoral Education. In Eastern Nursing Research Society. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
P. Donohue-Porter (2008). The Role of Nursing in Courage Development in Patients with Diabetes’ Complications. Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. In Eastern Nursing Research Society. Philadelphia, PA.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
P. Donohue-Porter (2023, July). Nurse Educator Leadership: Enhancing the Scholarly and Relational Elements of Clinical Shared Governance, Nurse Educator Forum of the Baptist Health System- Virtual Confernce
P. Donohue-Porter (2023, February). Nursing Influence stems from Nursing's Theoretical Influences: Exploration and Expansion. Invited Speaker for Molloy University Speaker Series: Lunch and Learn. PhD Research Event.
P. Donohue-Porter (2019, May). Leading into the Future: Mentoring with Courage, Intellect and Engagement. Invited speaker for Alpha Omega Chapter of Sigma and Adelphi University CNPH 15th Annual Leadership Conference, Garden City, NY.
P. Donohue-Porter (2018, April). The Considerable Influence of the Nurse Scholar: Commitment, Creativity and Compassion. Alpha Omega Chapter Induction Ceremony, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, Garden City, NY
P. Donohue-Porter (2016, March). Keynote: Persistence & Longevity in Nursing Research. Winthrop-University Hospital Annual Nursing Research Conference, Mineola, NY.
P. Donohue-Porter (2015, May). The Role of Courage in the Responsibilities of a Doctoral Scholar. Doctoral Hooding at Adelphi University, Garden City, NY.
P. Donohue-Porter & L. Thomas (2013, July). Methodological Concerns in Medication Error Research. Improvement Science Summit, San Antonio, TX.
P.Donohue-Porter & L. Thomas (2011, June). Impact of Cognitive Load,Interruptions & Distractions on Procedural Failures & Medication Errors. Improvement Science Summit, San Antonio, Texas.
P.Donohue-Porter & L.Thomas (2010, July). Preventing Medication Errors. Improvement Science Summit, San Antonio, Texas.
P. Donohue-Porter & L. Thomas (2009, May). Implementing evidence-based strategies for shift-to-shift handoff in a multi-hospital health system. North Shore-LIJ Research Conference,Feinstein Research Institute, Manhasset, NY.
P. Donohue-Porter (2007, April). Response to Theoretical Frameworks of Habermas, Freire, and Longeran:. Providence, Rhode Island.
P. Donohue-Porter (2007, January). Humanities: A Lens for Leadership for Nursing Doctoral Scholars. Captiva, Florida.
P. Donohue-Porter (2006, November). Evidence-Based Practice begins with the Nurse as a Scholar. North Shore-LIJ Health System.
Dissertations Chaired
Dissertations Chaired
Charleen Jacobs-McFarlane (2023) The Lived Experiences of Deciding Curative Treatments for Adults with Sickle-Cell Disease. Adelphi University College of Nursing and Public Health
Luz Gargiullo (2023) The Experience of Nursing Presence within the Geriatric Setting: A Qualitative Descriptive Analysis using the Middle-range Theory of Nursing Presence of McMahon & Christopher. Adelphi University College of Nursing and Public Health
Dena Alberti (2023) The Experience of Nurses Engaging in Presence During the Covid-19 Pandemic, College of Nursing and Public Health
Annie George. (2020). An Inquiry into the Lived Experience of Tele-ICU Nurses' Practice. Adelphi University College of Nursing & Public Health.
Lynn Johnson (2019). The Relationship of Organizational Commitment, Empathy and Reflection and their Effect on Evidence-based Practice Adoption by Nurses. Adelphi University College of Nursing & Public Health.
Celia Romano Wells (2018). The influence of Compassion Satisfaction, Compassion Fatigue and Death Anxiety on Role Conflict and Ambiguity in ICU nurses providing care at End of Life. Adelphi University College of Nursing & Public Health.
Colleen Fleming-Damon (2018). Being a Constant Presence in a Sea of Change: The Lived Experience of Vigil Keeping for a Family Member at the End of Life. Adelphi University College of Nursing & Public Health.
Seema Lall (2017). The Lived Experience of Making a Medication Administration Error. Adelphi University College of Nursing & Public Health.
Agatha A. Anosike (2015). The Influence of Social Support on Perception of Nurse Caring and Patient Satisfaction among Heart Failure Patients in the Emergency Department. Adelphi University College of Nursing & Public Health.
Maureen P. Cardoza (2010). A Study of Self-Efficacy and Functional Ability in Pre-operative and Post-operative Patients with Primary Elective Total Hip Replacements. Adelphi University. School of Nursing.
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
Schepp Scholar, Leopold Schepp Foundation
Member, Alpha Omega Chapter
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
Fellow, The New York Academy of Medicine
Alpha Omega Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society Outstanding Mentoring Award, 2018
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Conference Research Abstract Reviewer
Eastern Nursing Research Society
Scientific Sessions 2012-2020
Conference Research Abstract Reviewer & Member of Conference Planning Committee
Northwell Annual Nursing Research Conference
Co-Chair of Theory RIG (Research Interest Group)
Eastern Nursing Research Society
Chair, 2017-2021
Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Nursing 2012-Present
Founding Member, Forum on Inter-Collegiate Regional Events (FIRE) for Nursing PhD Students & Faculty of the Tri-state Area
American Nurses Association
American Organization for Nursing Leadership
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, Literature & Medicine Affinity Group
American Society of Professionals in Patient Safety
Eastern Nursing Research Society
Improvement Science Research Network
International Association of Human Caring
International Philosophy of Nursing Society
University Service
University Service
Member, Institutional Review Board, 2008-present
Member, Momentum Committee ( currently and as Campus Planning Committee from 2008)
Member, Adelphi Middle States Periodic Review Committee, 2012-2014
Member, Search Committee for the Provost of Adelphi University, 2017-2018
Member, Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Nursing & Public Health, 2018-2019
Links provided to external websites, including personal faculty sites, do not imply an endorsement by Adelphi University of those sites, their content, or associated products and services.