Gordon, D. (2024). Trauma and Second Language Learning among Laotian Refugees. In W. Wright (Ed.) Research and Reflections on Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press. (Reprint of 2011 article).
Bauler, C. and Gordon, D. (2018). Developing Teacher Candidates’ Ability to Address ELL Academic Language Needs and Cultural Assets, In P. Swanson and S. Hildebrandt (Eds.) Researching edTPA Problems and Promises. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
Hogan, T., Gordon, D., & Donovan, C. (2017). A Clinically Rich Teacher Education Model for Bilingual Science Teachers: Promising Practices and Lessons Learned. In Ryan Flessner (Eds.). Case Studies of Clinical Preparation in Teacher Education. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Gordon, D. (2011). Literacy in Two Lands: Refugee Women’s Shifting Practices of Literacy and Labor. In F. Hult & K. King (Eds.). Applying the Local Globally and the Global Locally in Educational Linguistics. Bristol, UK, United Kingdom: Multilingual Matters.
Gordon, D., Santos, M., & Weinstein, G. (2010). Reaching across Languages, Cultures and Disciplines in Service to Older Immigrants. In A. Pelham & E. Sills (Eds.). Promoting Health and Wellness in Underserved Communities: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Through Service Learning. Sterling, VA, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Gordon, D. (2019). Media of the Diaspora: The Lao-American Miss Songkhan Pageant. Southeast Asian Media Studies, 1(2), 58-68.
Serpanos, Y., Senzer, D., & Gordon, D. (2017). Interprofessional Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) as a Model of Instruction in Doctor of Audiology Programs. American Journal of Audiology, 26 (3), 233-241.
Gordon, D., Long, J, Fellin, M. (2015). Education for National Belonging: Imposing Borders and Boundaries on Citizenship. [Special Issue]. Journal of Social Science Education, 14 (3).
Gordon, D., Long, J., & Fellin, M. (2015), Education for National Belonging. Journal of Social Science Education, 14, 2-8.
Hogan, T., Gordon, D., & Donovan, C. (2015). Targeted Teacher Training: Developing Bilingual Science Teachers through a Residency-Based Teacher Preparation Program. Conference Proceedings: New Perspectives in Science Education. Florence, Italy.
Gordon, D. (2011), Trauma and Second Language Learning among Laotian Refugees. Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement, 6.
Gordon, D. (2010), Disrupting the Master Narrative: Global Politics, Historical Memory, and the Implications for Naturalization Education. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 41, 1.
Gordon, D. (2009), “She’s American Now, I Don’t Like That”: Gendered Language Ideologies in a Laotian American Community. Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement, 4.
Gordon, D. (2008), Gendered Second Language Socialization. Encyclopedia of Language and Education, 2nd ed., Volume 8, 231-243..
Gordon, D. (2004), "I'm Tired. You Clean and Cook." Shifting Gender Identities and Second Language Socialization. TESOL Quarterly, 38, 3, 437-457.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Gordon, D. (2022). The Role of a Campus Faculty Committee in Diversifying the Applicant Pool. Annual Fulbright Conference. Bethesda, MD.
Gordon, D. (2019). Citizenship Education: Can Refugees Write Themselves into the National Narrative? American Anthropological Association. Vancouver, Canada.
Gordon, D. & McCarthy, M. (2019). Communities of Practice for Novice Teachers: The Role of Educator Preparation Programs. 26th International Conference on Learning. Queen's University, Belfast, UK.
Gopalan, P., Paroff, J., & Gordon, D. (2018). Language and Integration: A Case Study of an ESL Program for Syrian Refugees in New Jersey. Society for Applied Anthropology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Gordon, D. (2018). Emphasizing the Rhythm of English in Pronunciation Activities. CamTESOL Conference. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Gordon, D. (2017). Unpeeling the Onion: U.S. Naturalization Policy and the Experience of Laotian Refugees. Paper in Colloquium on Educational Linguistics at 40: Past, Present, and Future. American Association of Applied Linguistics. Portland, OR.
Donovan, C., Gordon, D., Hogan, T., and Rozga, K. (2017) Examining New Teacher Success via Clinical Pathways. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL.
Gordon, D. and Schwinge, D. (2015). Learning to Teach Far from Home: International Student Teacher Preparation. TESOL International Convention. Toronto, Canada.
Donovan, C., Gordon, D., and Hogan, T. (2015). Case Studies of Clinical Preparation in Teacher Education. Association of Teacher Educators. Phoenix, AZ.
Gordon, D. with graduate students W. Ma, A. Pinto, and Y. Yang. (2014). Reading Materials and Strategies for ELLs. Applied Lingusitics Winter Conference. Columbia University Teachers College. New York, NY.
Gordon, D., with graduate students M. Nakayama and H. Ren. (2014). Action Research Findings: Implications for Teaching ELLs. Applied Lingusitics Winter Conference. Columbia University Teachers College. New York, NY.
Gordon, D. and Schwinge, D. (2013). Adapting to the Needs of Chinese MA TESOL Students. International Conference on Language Teacher Education. George Washington University, Washington, DC.
Long, J., Stechel, M., Gordon, D., & Bush, M. (2012). Teaching Borders and Boundaries: Anthropological Investigations into Citizenship Education. American Anthropological Association. San Francisco, California, CA.
Gordon, D. & Schwinge, D. (2012). Action Research: Joining Theory with Practice in ESL Teacher Education. TESOL Convention. Philadelphia, PA.
Gordon, D. (2011). Trauma and Language Learning among Laotian Refugees. National Association for the Education and Advancement of Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese Americans (NAFEA) Conference. California State University, Long Beach.
Gordon, D., Bateman, B., Hardman, J., & Schwinge, D. (2011). Developing Reflective Practitioners: Action Research in Preservice Teacher Education. CARLA Conference on Language Teacher Education. University of Minnesota.
Gordon, D. & Schwinge, D. (2010). Designing Action Research Courses for Preservice Teachers. TESOL Convention. Boston, MA.
Gordon, D. and Jernick, V. (2010). NOT Just for ESL Teachers Anymore!: Working with English Language Learners. Celebration of Teaching and Learning 2010. New York, New York.
Gordon, D. & Schwinge, D. (2009). Action Research in Teacher Preparation: Scaffolding Reflective Practitioners. CARLA Conference on Language Teacher Education. Washington, DC.
Weinstein, G., Gordon, D., & King, J (2009). ESL Partnerships for Immigrant Wellness: Advancing the Field. TESOL Convention. Denver, CO.
King, J., Weinstein,G., Gordon, D., & Santos, M. (2008). Healthy Collaborations: Partnerships for Immigrant Wellness. In TESOL Convention. New York City.
Weinstein, G., Gordon, D., King, J., & Santos, M. (2007). TESOL Partnerships in Health Literacy. In TESOL Convention. Seattle, WA.
Gordon, D. (2006). "It bothers your mind, cannot study nothing": Laotian refugees, trauma, and language learning. American Anthropological Association. San Jose, CA.
David, D., Gordon, D., & Bruns, C. (2006). Improving Health Communication Skills of Health Professions Students. In International Service-Learning Research Conference. Portland, OR..
Gordon, D. (2006). "She's independent, she's American now. I don't like that": Shifting gender identities among ESL Learners. In Temple University Language and Linguistics Speaker Series. Philadelphia, PA.
Gordon, D. (2005). “Even if we don’t study literacy, we can still eat rice”: Literacy in Two Lands. In American Anthropological Association. Washington, DC.
Gordon, D. (2005). Identity, Citizenship, and Ambivalence in the Age of Homeland (In)Security. In American Education Research Association. Montreal, Quebec.
Gordon, D. (2004). Shifting Gender Identities and Second Language Socialization. In American Association of Applied Linguistics. Portland, OR.
Gordon, D. & Dillon, P. (2004). Health literacy education in immigrant communities. In Atlantic Region Service-Learning Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Gordon, D. (2004). Health literacy for ESL students. In Southeast Professional Development Center Regional Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Gordon, D. & Hayden, L. (2003). This Land is Your Land: Using Learner Narratives in the ESL Classroom. In Pennsylvania Association for Adult and Continuing Education. Hershey, PA.