Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (2004)
M.A., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (1997)
B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison (1995)
Licenses and Certifications
Licenses and Certifications
New York State Social Studies 7-12
New York State Spanish 7-12
Personal Statement
Personal Statement
Think, understand, reflect, transform. There exists within us the possibility to be agents of change and of social transformation. To awaken this energy in the lives of others is an incredible experience –and becomes the magnificent journey of a teacher. Every so often we are presented with an opportunity to radically change or enhance the understanding of ourselves and the world around us by critically examining our deep-seated assumptions and exploring diverse worldviews and ideas. Too often, we raise little doubt about what is within us. To think and to think critically, to unearth both the positive and negative can become a life long process of engaging with what we know. Just as we need to look at an aged scripture with new perspective it is imperative that we assess and reflect upon the old fabric that we hold within us. Student learning can become a transformative experience as they make the familiar-strange and question how they know. I embrace teaching as an opportunity to cultivate curiosity, inspire and empower. It is in the classroom that an intellectual community can be found and nurtured, where extensive knowledge is shared and created in an effective manner and where positive criticisms are welcomed. There is room for mutual growth for both educator and student, as teaching and learning culminates in the classroom and students corroborate and challenge one another’s thoughts and viewpoints. As students move against and beyond their own boundaries, learners are both transformed and empowered
Recent Courses
Recent Courses
First Year Seminar: Human Rights,Global Conflict And Social Change
Community,Schools And Society
First Year Seminar Human Rights & Social Justice Activism And Awareness
Human Rights And Peace Studies Multidisciplanary Perspectives
Human Rights And Peace Studies: Multidisciplinary Perspective
Instruction And Assessment In Social Studies Education
Seminar 360: Question Peace: Human Dignity, Violence, And Global Social Conflict
Social Studies Education
Multicultural Education
Peace Education
Immigrant Education
Verma R, & Apple M (2020) Disrupting Hate: Teacher Activists, Democracy and Global Pedagogies of Interruption New York: Routledge
Verma, R. (2017) Criticial Peace Education and Global Citizenship: Narratives from the Unofficial Curriculum. New York Routledge.
Verma, Rita (2010). Be the Change: Teacher, Activist, Global Citizen Foreword by Christine Sleeter. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Rita Verma (2008). Backlash:South Asian Immigrant Voices on the Margins Foreword by Michael Apple. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Verma, R. (2018) The Aseem Community-Based Teacher Training Model: A Response to India’s Failed National Teacher Education Policies In: Hobbel, N and Bales, B. Navigating the Common Good in Teacher Education Policy: Critical and International Perspectives New York: Routledge, 115-127
Verma, R. (2017) Cultural Politics, Neoliberal Markets and the Privatization of the Urban Other: Educating India’s Children of Poverty in In B.S. Ndimande & C. Lubienski (Eds.) Privatization and the education of marginalized children: Policies, impacts and global lessons. New York: Routledge, 103-119.
Verma, Rita (2014). The Courage to Teach Critically: AntiOppression and ProJustice Dialogues in the Classroom. In Nocella and Del Gandio (Eds.). Education for Action Strategies to Ignite Social Justice. New Society Publishers.
Verma, Rita (2012). Between Spaces of Otherness and Belonging. Democratic Citizenship in Schools: Teaching Controversial Issues, Traditions and Accountability. Dunedin Press.
Rita Verma (2008). Dialogues about 9/11, the Media and Race: Lessons from a Secondary Classroom. In Joseph Entin, Robert Rosen Leonard Vogt (Eds.). Controversies in the Classroom: A Radical Teacher Reader Teachers College Press. NY: Teachers College Press.
Rita Verma (2008). Unlearning the Silence in the Curriculum: Reaching Beyond Oppressive Subjectivities of the South Asian “Other”. In Binaya Subedi (Eds.). Rethinking Curricular Knowledge of Global Societies. Information Age Publishers.
Rita Verma (2008). Beyond Tacos and Pizza: Critical Literacy in the World Language Classroom. In Wallowitz, L (Eds.). Critical Literacy as Resistance Peter Lang. Peter Lang.
Verma, Rita (2014), Nostalgia The Public Space and Diaspora: Sikh Youth and Redefinitions of Self in Sikh Formations. Sikh Formations: Routledge Press, Volume 9 Issue 1.
Verma, R. (2013) Nostalgia The Public Space and Diaspora: Sikh Youth and Redefinitions of Self in Sikh Formations Routledge Volume 9 Issue, 1 63-71.
Verma, Rita (2009), The Courage to Teach Critically: Crossing Boundaries to Teach Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy. Journal of Peace Education Routledge.
Rita Verma (2007), A Review of Educating the Right Way: Markets, Standards God and Inequality. Teachers College Record.
Verma, Rita (2005), Trauma, Cultural Survival and Identity Politics in a Post 9/11 Era. Sikh Formations.
Verma, Rita (2005), Interrupting the 9/11 Race Dialogue in the Secondary Classroom. Radical Teacher, 74.
Verma, Rita (2004), Turbaned and Targeted: The Predicament of Sikh Youth in post 9/11 Schools. The Subcontinental, 2:3.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Rita Verma (2007). 100 Educators from Around the World Teaching for Peace and Human Rights. In American Educational Research Association. Chicago.
(2005). Discussant on Panel: Perspectives on Education in International Contexts. In American Educational Research Association. Montreal, CA.
Verma, Rita (2004). : Young Sikh Males as Agents of Cultural Survival: Involuntary Identity Making in a Post 9/11 Era. In American Anthropological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Verma, Rita (2004). : Involuntary Identity Remaking in Times of War: The South Asian Immigrant Experience. In The Future of Identity Conference. University of Salford, UK.
Verma, Rita (2004). Teaching in the Post-9/11 Era and Acts of Self-Silencing: South Asian Educators Speak. In 2nd Annual International Conference on Teacher Education and Social Justice. San Francisco, CA.
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Samman International Award at British Parliament House of Lords, London October 2018
Keynote Speaker at NYU at Facing History NY Conference May 2018
Distinguished Panelist United Nations Headquarters NY Seminar on Global Citizenship May 2018
Faculty Excellence in Scholarship Award 2017-2018
ANAHEI Research Leadership Award- Global Issues Award Recipient 2017 GLOCER Conference
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Nominee 2018
National Council for Social Studies Exemplary Research Award Nominee 2017
SGA Womens Recognition Award Recipient for Outstanding Faculty Leadership 2016
Professor of the Year Award Nominee 2014-2015
Teaching Excellence Award Nominee 2008
Research on Sikh immigrants reported in 2005 National Education Association
Report on the Status of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Education
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Director Peace Studies Program
Coordinator of United Nations Conference on Teaching for Peace and Human Rights
Consultant for Teaching Resources on Global Teaching and Learning Project/UN Cyberschoolbus
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