Personal Statement
Personal Statement
My interests are in:
. economic inequality and its effects on
individuals, families, communities and the
. comparative welfare states
. feminization of poverty over the life course
. economic rights, especially to living-wage
jobs for all
In studying the history of social welfare and current social policies my students and I are able to confront some of the most basic and controversial issues in social life: what is a just distribution of a society's resources; what does a society owe to its citizens; is it right to live in luxury while others are hungry; how are the crimes of the hungry to be judged; how and to what extent should government be involved in the operation of the economic system and in the distribution of its resources; what is the relationship among economic, political, and civil rights; is freedom possible in the face of extreme economic deprivation; how are poverty, insufficiency, and need to be defined and measured; and should there be limits on wealth as well as poverty?
Research Interests
Research Interests
Welfare State in Cross-National Perspective
History of Social Work and Social Welfare
Full employment
Economic inequality and its societal consequences
Public Assistance/Welfare Reform
Program Development in the Social Services
Organizational Change
Public Assistance
Goldberg, Gertrude Schaffner (2010). Poor Women in Rich Nations: The Feminization of Poverty over the Life Course. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Goldberg, G.S., & Rosenthal, M. G., eds. (2002). Diminishing Welfare: A Cross-national study of social provision. Westport, CT: Auburn House.
Goldberg, G.S., & Collins, S. D. (2001). Washington's New Poor Law. New York, NY: Apex Press.
Collins, S.D., Ginsburg, H. L & Goldberg, G.S. (1994). Jobs for All: A Plan for the Revitalization of America. New York, NY: Apex Press.
Goldberg, G. S., & Kremen, E., eds. (1990). The Feminization of Poverty: Only in America. New York, NY: Praeger.
Altman, J. C., & Goldberg, G. S. (2009), /rethinking social work's role in public assistance. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 35, 71-94.
Ginsburg, H. L., & Goldberg, G. S. (2008), Decent work and public investment: A proposal. New Labor Forum, 17, Spring, 45-69.
Altman, J. C., & Goldberg, G. S. (2007), A study of former public assistance recipients. Journal of Poverty, 11, 45-69.
Goldberg, G. S., Harvey, P., & Ginsburg, H. L.. (2007), A survey of full employment advocates. Journal of Social Issues, 41, 1161-1168.
Goldberg, G. S. (1998), The Feminization of Poverty: Here to Stay? Brown Journal of World Affairs, 5, 161-186.
Goldberg, G. S. (1997), Jobs for All, Economic Justice, and the Challenge of Welfare. Journal of Public Health Policy, 18, 302-324.
Goldberg, G. S. (1995), Theory and Practice of Program Development: A Study of the Planning and Implementation of fourteen Social Programs. Social Service Review, 69, 614-655.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Goldberg, G. S. (2010). The Feminization of Poverty: Women at Risk Worldwide. In Guest Lecturer at European Regional Seminar on the Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Sponsored by the Danish Women's Society and The International Alliance of Women. Orhus, Denmark.
Goldberg, G. S., & Ginsburg, H. L. (2010). The Impact of the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 on Women's Employment. In Paper Commissioned by the Policy Integration Division of the International Labour Office of the United Nations. Geneva, Switzerland.
Goldberg, G. S. (2010). The Feminization of Poverty: Inevitable or Preventable? In Keynote Address to Nordisk Forum 1988, Oslo University, Conference convened by Government of the Nordic Countries. Oslo, Norway.
Goldberg, G. S. (2009). Planning for Family Welfare: Drawing on the Experience of a Century. In Conference on Industrializing Societies. National Chenghchi University , Taipei, Taiwan.
Altman, J. C., & Goldberg, G. S. (2004). Life Is Harder, but Better: A Study of the Quality of Life Paradox of Former Public Assistance Recipients. In Eighth Annual Conference of the Society for social Work and Research. New Orleans, LA.
Goldberg, G. S., & rosenthal. M.G. (2000). The State of Social Welfare: A Cross-national Study. In Joint Conference of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Goldberg, G. S. (2000). The Missing Entitlement. In Interdisciplinary Workshop, Public Service Employment Assurance: Lessons from the Past, Looking to the Future. University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO.
Quality of Life of Former Public Assistance Recipients in Dutchess County, NY
Welfare state retrenchment in cross-national perspective
Feminization of poverty over the life course and in international perspective
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
Social Worker of the Year, Nassau County, NY, 2000
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Co-founder and Chair, National Jobs for All Coalition
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