Ph.D. English Language and Literature, New York University (2000)
M.A. English Language and Literature, New York University (1994)
B.A. cum laude, Cornell University (1989)
Recent Courses
Recent Courses
Building A Career In The Humanities
Honors - Human Condition I
Major Motifs In Literature
Medieval Literature
Irish and English medieval literature, medieval law, 20th century Irish literature, European medieval literature, gender, translation theory
Research Interests
Research Interests
12th-century Ireland, medieval law, 20th-century medievalism, translation theory, gender studies
International Experience
International Experience
I have conducted a number of summer study abroad programs to Ireland, and have also taken an Adelphi study abroad course to Dublin during spring break. I speak Modern Irish, and have proficiency in Old and Middle Irish. Much of my research focuses on medieval Irish sources. I have also served a number of times on the Fulbright Selection Committee for Ireland.
Some of my more recent research focuses on Scandinavia, mainly Norway and Iceland, as well as Old Norse texts. I am planning to take Adelphi students to Iceland and either Norway or Denmark during spring break in 2021.
Lahney Preston-Matto (translator) (2010). Aislinge meic Conglinne/ The Vision of Mac Conglinne. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
Lahney Preston-Matto. "Are You My Brother?: Medieval Irish Ecclesiastical Fosterage." Church and Settlement in Ireland: Landscape, Life, Legacy. Eds. Matthew Stout and James Lyttleton. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2018.
Lahney Preston-Matto. "Aislinge Meic Conglinne: Challenges for Translator and Audience." Translating Early Medieval Poetry: Transformation, Reception, Interpretation. Eds. Tom Birkett and Kirsty March-Lyons, Boydell & Brewer, 2017. 109-21.
Saints and Fosterage in Medieval Ireland: A Sanctified Social Practice, Eolas 5, 2012. 62-78.
Derbforgaill before the Anglo-Norman Invasion: Sovereignty Goddess or Political Hostage in Twelfth-Century Ireland? Proceedings of the 2008 Celtic Studies Association of North America Annual Meeting, CSANA Yearbook 10. Hamilton: Colgate University Press, 2011. 105-15.
Lahney Preston-Matto (2010), Queens as Political Hostages in Pre-Norman Ireland: Derbforgaill and the Three Gormlaiths. Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 109, 141-61.
(2008), Derbforgaill's Literary Heritage: Can You Blame Her? Celtic Studies Association of North America Yearbook, 7, 77-92.
Lahney Preston (2007), Heaney's 'Sweeney Astray:' Acts of Omission, Translation and a New Medievalism. Studies in Medievalism, XV, 101 - 114.
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Lahney Preston (2011). Saints' Lives in Medieval Ireland: Writing Social Practices. In Modern Language Association. Los Angeles, CA.
Lahney Preston (2010). Saints, Fosterage and Hostageship in Medieval Ireland: Sanctified Social Practices. In Celtic Studies Association of North America Annual Meeting. Notre Dame, IN.
Lahney Preston (2009). What is this Meat Product?: What's at Stake in Translating. In Forty-Fourth International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI.
Lahney Preston (2008). Emphasizing Tradition in the Face of Change: Derbforgaill as Sovereignty Goddess? In Forty-Third International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI.
Lahney Preston (2008). Derbforgaill's Responsibility in the Anglo-Norman Invasion: Women as Political Hostages in Twelfth-Century Ireland? In Celtic Studies Association of North America 2008 Annual Meeting. Colgate University, Hamilton, NY.
Lahney Preston (2007). Derbforgaill, the Normans and the Concept of Sovereignty: Becoming a Goddess is Easy! In Harvard Celtic Colloquium. Cambridge, MA.
Lahney Preston (2007). Derbforgaill, the Normans and the Concept of Sovereignty: Becoming a Goddess is Easy! In Twenty-seventh annual Harvard Celtic Colloquium. Cambridge, MA.
Lahney Preston (2007). Women and Medieval Irish Law: Derbhforgaill’s Marriage to Tighernan O Rourke. In 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI.
Lahney Preston (2006). Derbforgaill's Literary Heritage: Can You Blame Her? In Harvard Celtic Colloquium. Cambridge, MA.
Lahney Preston (2002). Male Identity Construction in Medieval Ireland. In Invited Lecture for. New York University.
Lahney Preston, Greg Delanty (2002). Working out the Demons: Translating Aislinge Meic Conglinne. In Irish Studies: Work in Progress. New York University.
Lahney Preston (2001). Nest Quest: Seamus Heaney's Search for Acceptance as Sweeney in 'Sweeney Astray' and "King of the Ditchbacks". In International Assoc. for the Study of Irish Languages and Literature. Dublin, Ireland.
Lahney Preston (2001). 'Much of Early Irish Literature has been Lost': Kinsella's and O'Rahilly's 20th-Century Recoveries of 'Tain Bo Cualnge'. In American Conference for Irish Studies. Fordham University, New York.
Lahney Preston (2001). Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick: Twentieth Century Translations of Medieval Irish Texts. In 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Lahney Preston (2007, September). Derbforgaill, Twelfth Century Ireland and the Normans: Where's a Sovereignty Goddess When You Really Need One? Columbia University Irish Studies Seminar, New York, New York.
Other Work
Other Work
“Staking in Tongues: Speech-Act as Weapon in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer,'” co-written with Karen Eileen Overbey, 'Fighting the Forces: What’s at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.' Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield., 2002. Eds. Rhonda V. Wilcox and David Lavery.
“Homophobia and Gender in 'Táin Bó Cúalnge': Translation as a Technology of Adaptation in Irish Literature,” Foilsiú 1:1 (2000).
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
Fellow, Adelphi Teaching Fellows Program, Inaugural award, 2017 - 2018
Teaching Excellence Award Nominee, 2017 - 2018
Excellence in Service Award Nominee, 2014 - 2015
Recipient of Teaching Excellence Award for Untenured Faculty, 2009-2010
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Director, NYU-in-Dublin program, 2001 - 2003
Co-founder and Executive Committee Member, The GRIAN Association, a professional Irish Studies organization based in New York, 1995 - present
Associate Editor of Foilsiu, GRIAN's journal of Irish Studies, 2000 - present
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