DSW, Graduate School and University Center of the City of New York (2001)
MSW, Hunter College School of Social Work (1983)
BA, St. John's College, Annapolis, MD (1975)
Professional Experience
Professional Experience
2022-Present: Adelphi University School of Social Work: OMSW Director
2002-Present: OMH EBP Project Coordinator
2007-Present: Associate Professor
2001-2007: Assistant Professor
1998-2001: Visiting Professor
1994-1998: Hunter College School of Social Work: Adjunct Lecturer
1987-1990: Queens Child Guidance Center, Trude Weishaupt Clinic: Senior Psychiatric Social Worker
1984-1987: City Hospital Center at Elmhurst: Psychiatric Social Worker, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Recent Courses
Recent Courses
Credentialing And Assessment In Social Work: Licensing Preparation Initiative
Evidence Based Practice With Serious Mental Illness: Paths To Recovery
Human Behavior Theory For Social Work Practice II
Human Behavior Theory: Selected Theoretical Frameworks For Social Work
Recitation Social Work Orientation On Moodle
Social Work Assessment And Diagnosis
Stress,Crisis,Trauma And Coping
Curriculum innovation, design, and implementation:
SWK 776, Credentialing and Assessment in Social Work: Licensing Preparation Initiative. Developed a new one-credit required MSW Advanced Year course to 1. connect the LMSW exam’s purpose to the MSW curriculum and to 2. meet New York State Education Department residency requirements for off-campus programs. Collaborated with social work administrators and instructional designers. Trained faculty.
Human behavior and the social environment; social work diagnosis and assessment; evidence-based practice for severe mental illness.
Online pedagogy for MSW courses.
Teaching theory in discussion-based doctoral education.
Patricia A Joyce (2006). Book Review: D’Cruz, Heather. (2004) Constructing Meanings and Identities in Child Protection Practice. Croydon, Victoria, Australia: Tertiary Press. Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice.
Waller, B. Y., Joyce, P. A., Quinn, C. R., Shaari, A. A. H., & Boyd, D. (2022). “I’m the one that needs help.” Toward a theory of help-seeking behavior. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI: 10.1177/08862605221084340
Joyce, P, Quiros, L. and Waller, B. (2021). Honoring liminality: Teaching critical and race-gendered approaches in doctoral social work education. Social Work Education. DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2021.1908986
Habib, M., Labruna, V. Hartmann, J.K., Joyce, P. & Mcateer, J. (2019) Comparing changes in sbirt knowledge, confidence, and readiness among students and community providers, Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 19(1-2), 78-91.DOI: 10.1080/1533256X.2019.1590704
Joyce, P. (2016), "The thing itself": Using literature and literary criticism in teaching qualitative research through dissertation advising. Qualitative Social Work, 15(3) 407–413. DOI: 10.1177/1473325015618774.
Fenster, J., Zodikoff, B, Rozario, P., & Joyce, P. (2010), Implementing a gero-infused curriculum in advanced-level MSW courses in health, mental health and substance abuse: An evaluation,. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. DOI: 10.1080/01634372.2010.506241
Berger, R. & Joyce, P. (2010). From research to practice: developing and delivering a culturally competent trauma curriculum for child welfare practitioners after 9/11. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. 3 (1), 25-34. DOI: /10.1080/19361520903520815
Joyce, P. (2008), The production of therapy: The social process of constructing the mother of a sexually abused child. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 16(3), 1-18. DOI: 10.1300/J070v16n03_01
Joyce, P. & Berger, R. (2007), Which language does PTSD speak? The westernization of Mr. Sanchez. The Journal of Trauma Practice, 5(4), 53-67. DOI:10.1300/J189v05n04_03
Joyce, P. (2005), The case conference as social ritual: Constructing a mother of a sexually abused child. Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice. 4(2), 157-173. DOI:10.1177/1473325005052391
Joyce, P. (1997), Mothers of sexually abused children and the concept of collusion. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 6(2), 75-92. DOI:10.1300/J070v06n02_05
Joyce, P. (1995), Psychoanalytic theory, child sexual abuse and clinical social work. Clinical Social Work Journal, 23(2), 199-214. DOI10.1007/BF02191683
Joyce, P. (1995), Group work with mothers of Sexually abused children. Group Work Practice in a Troubled Society: Problems and Opportunities, Selected Proceedings of the XV Annual Symposium of the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups.
Levy, L. Joyce, P. & List, J. (1987), Reconciliations with parents as a treatment goal for dolescents in an acute care hospital. Social Work in Health Care, 13(1), 1-21. /doi.org/10.1300/J010v13n01_01
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations
Joyce, P. and Araujo-Dawson, B. (2015). Best Practices in Teaching Both Foundation and Advanced Human Behavior Online. In Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting. Sheraton Hotel Downtown Denver, Denver, CO. Peer reviewed.
Quiros, L., Joyce, P. and Waller, B. (2015). Negotiating liminality within qualitative research and pedagogy. In Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL. Peer reviewed.
Joyce, P. (2013). Cultural Competence in Supervising Domestic Violence Cases with Muslim Women: The Supervisor Learns. In International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Adelphi University, Garden City, NY. Peer reviewed.
Joyce, P. (2011). The Body Speaks: Reflexivity in Qualitative Social Work Research on Trauma. In International Conference on Qualitative Inquiry. (Peer reviewed). Champaign-Urbana, IL. Peer reviewed.
Joyce, P. (2011). Social workers construct mothers' reactions to incest disclosure. In Bystanders No More: Psychotherapeutic Dialogues for the Politically Silenced (pp. Peer reviewed). New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY. Peer reviewed.
Joyce, P. & Berger, R. (2010). From Research to Practice: Developing and Delivering a Culturally Competent Trauma Curriculum to Child Welfare Practitioners after 9/11. In European Society for Trauma and Dissociation, Second Biannual Conference (Peer reviewed). Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK. Peer reviewed.
Joyce, P., Martin, S.,(Co-chairs), et al. (2007). Evidence or Anecdotes: Exploring the Epistemological Tension of Using Qualitative Research as Evidence for Practice. In Society for Social Work and Research: Bridging Disciplinary Boundaries. (Peer Reviewed). San Francisco, California.
Joyce, P., Chair, Altman, J., Berger, R., & Bogolub, E.(2006). Reflective Researchers, Reflective Practitioners? Evaluating in Practice Ten Years Later. In Society for Social Work and Research (Peer Reviewed). San Antonio, Texas.
Joyce, P. (2005). Levels of reflexivity in qualitative research on social work in health care. In 11th Qualitative Health Research Conference, International Institute for Qualitative Methodology. (Peer Reviewed). Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Joyce, P. (2004). Vicarious Trauma and Ethnicity: Impact on Clinical Work in Incest Treatment: A Qualitative Study. In IV International Congress of Psychic Trauma and Traumatic Stress (Peer Reviewed). Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Joyce, P. and Berger, R. (2003). What language does PTSD speak? Clinical social work, cultural competence and diagnosis. In VII Annual European Conference on Traumatic Stress (Peer Reviewed). Berlin, Germany.
Joyce, P. (2003). Constructions of disclosure: Social workers construct mothers' reactions to incest disclosure. In Society for Social Work and Research Conference (Peer Reviewed). Washington, DC.
Joyce, P. (2002). The production of therapy: The social process of constructing the mother of a sexually abused child. In Society for Social Work and Research (Peer Reviewed). San Diego, California.
Joyce, P. (2001). The total construction of a mother of a sexually abused child. In International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect European Conference (pp. Peer Reviewed). Istanbul, Turkey.
Joyce, P. (1999). Clinical social workers’ constructions of mothers of sexually abused children. In Family Violence Conference (Peer Reviewed). University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire.
Joyce, P. (1995). Social workers’ perspectives on mothers of sexually abused children. In Qualitative Research and Clinical Social Work Conference, Institute for Clinical Social Work (pp. Peer Reviewed). Chicago, Illinois.
Joyce, P. (1994). Psychoanalytic theory, child sexual abuse and clinical social work. In Clinical Social Work Conference (Peer Reviewed). Washington, DC.
Joyce, P. (1993). Group Work with Mothers of Sexually Abused Children. Annual Symposium of the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups (Peer Reviewed). New York , New York.
Invited Presentations
Invited Presentations
Joyce, P. & Kaplan, D. (2022). Creating Grassroots Social Action for Any Cause, Adelphi University Alumni and Friends Conference. Online.
Joyce, P. (2014). Afghani Women with Medically Unexplained Symptoms: How War Carries Across National Boundaries. Adelphi University Interdisciplinary Forum on Trauma: The Changing Nature of War and Peace, Garden City, NY.
Joyce, P. (2013). The Body Speaks: Trauma and Gender in Muslim Women. The Relational Turn: The Practice of Sustainability, Esalen Institute for Theory and Research, Big Sur, CA. Invited.
Joyce, P. (2004). Effective Practice with Mothers of Sexually Abused Children. In Adelphi University School of Social Work, Understanding and Meeting the Challenges Facing Children and Youth (Invited). Garden City, New York.
Joyce, P. (2004). Effective Practice with Mothers of Sexually Abused Children. In Adelphi University School of Social Work, Understanding and Meeting the Challenges Facing Children and Youth (Invited). Garden City, New York.
Joyce, P. (2003). Domestic Violence and Homelessness: A View from Research. In Nassau-Suffolk Coalition Against Homelessness (Invited). Huntington, New York.
Other Work
Other Work
Joyce, P. Incest, feminism, and child protection: Historical perspectives. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. Revise and resubmit summer 2024.
Joyce, P. and Sobeck, R. Reflecting on events of instruction: A strategy for continuous improvement in a hybrid advanced year MSW course. Working paper. Potential venues: Journal of Social work Education, Journal of Teaching in Social Work. Anticipated completion date summer 2024.
Joyce, P. Designing and implementing a trauma-informed classroom in online MSW courses on DSM 5 diagnosis and evidence-based practice. Working paper. Anticipated completion date summer 2024
PI: Adelphi University Teaching Fellow: Project: Students’ voices and trauma: Creating a trauma-informed and responsive online classroom. Preliminary research question: How can instructors use students’ voices to create a trauma-informed and trauma-responsive classroom in the online environment? $1500. Awarded June 2019
PI: Founder’s syndrome and sustainability: Understanding and responding to the needs of South Asian and Muslim grassroots community-based human service agencies in the New York metropolitan area. Adelphi University Faculty Development Grant. $1500.
Awarded February 2016.
Project Coordinator: New York State Office of Mental Health, Evidence-Based Practice Project. Collaborated with OMH staff and statewide social work faculty to disseminate cutting edge evidence-based psychosocial practices for people with severe mental illness. Led colloquia with student awardees; revised elective syllabus annually. Annual stipend: $4000 2002-present.
Curriculum coordinator: IDEATE Project: Provided MSW curriculum expertise for HRSA $1.92 million, four-year grant from the Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program for Professionals.
June 2021-February 2022
Dissertations Chaired
Dissertations Chaired
Xian Kapetanakos (proposal approved 2024). Understanding the Lived Experiences of Chinese Immigrant Families of Children with Intellectual Disabilities in the United States. Adelphi University.
Bernadine Waller (2021). Understanding the psychosocial processes of help-seeking among African American women survivors of intimate partner violence. Adelphi University.
Karime Molina Hernandez (2019). Latinas' experiences of dating with a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS. Adelphi University.
Karen Dubin-McKnight (2015). Crossing the Line: The Identity of People with Psychiatric Disabilities Employed in Partnership Model Programs. Adelphi University.
Regina Varin-Mignano (2012). The Perspectives of Single Mothers of Childen with Autism on Social Support. Adelphi University.
Therese Bertsch (2012). The Perspectives of Homeless Single Mothers on Recurrent Housing Loss. Adelphi University.
Theses Advised
Theses Advised
Joseph DeGearo (2022). Sexual Misconduct: Perceptions of Current and Recent College Students. Chair, Roni Berger.
Dulande Louis (2022). Illiteracy and Low Educational Attainment of Haitian Women. Chair: Roni Berger.
Kimberly Garrett (2022). An Examination of the Lived Experiences of Social Workers Providing Mental Health Services to Immigrant Populations. Chair: Subadra Panchanadeswaran.
Erin Nau (2021). Adolescent Girls’ Self-Worth: A Phenomenological Study into the Construct of Self-Worth. School of Social Work. Chair: Stavroula Kyriakakis.
Victoria Grinman (2020). A Retrospective Exploration of the Experience, Interpretation, and Perception of Growth in Parents of Young Adults Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. School of Social Work. Chair: Roni Berger
Lisa Henshaw (2018).The Complexity of Unrecognized Trauma: Survivors' Narratives. School of Social Work. Chair: Laura Quiros
Colleen Fleming-Damon (2018). Being a Constant Presence in a Sea of Change: The Lived Experience of Vigil Keeping for a Family Member at End of Life. College of Nursing and Public Health. Chair: Patricia Donohue-Porter
Marie Giordano-Mulligan (2017). Developing and Validating an Instrument to Measure Perceived Authentic Nurse Leadership. College of Nursing and Public Health. Chair: Yiyuan Sun
Agatha Anosike (2015). The Influence of Social Support on Perception of Nurse Caring and Patient Satisfaction among CHF Patients in the Emergency Department. College of Nursing and Public Health. Chair: Patricia Donohue-Porter
Avigail Gordon (2014). An Aetiology of Traumatization: A Consideration of Subjective and Objective Definitions of Trauma. Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology. Chair: Karen Lombardi
Elisabeth Counselman Carpenter (2014). The Lived Experience of Mothers Whose Children Were Born Unexpectedly with Down Syndrome. School of Social Work. Chair: Roni Berger
Lisa Askinazi (2013). Evaluating Procedural Justice Criteria For Parents Who Settle: A Case Study. School of Social Work. Chair: Elizabeth Palley
Tzipporah Karin Wisansky (2013). The Nature of Early Maladaptive Schemas in the Non-clinical Orthodox Jewish Population. School of Social Work. Chair: Roni Berger
Anais Anat-Bar (2013). The Experiences of Underserved Minority Battered Women. School of Social Work. Chair: Roni Berger.
Joanne Quinn-Beers (2009). The Experience Of Mothers Adopting Through The Foster Care System. School of Social Work. Chair Roni Berger.
Stephen Rabeno. (2009). The Effects Of Male Factor Infertility On Self-Esteem And Marital Satisfaction. School of Social Work. Chair: Ellen Rosenberg.
Honors and Accomplishments
Honors and Accomplishments
HONORS AND AWARDS: Waller, B. Joyce, P. et al., 2022 Council on Social Work Education Violence Against Women and Children’s Award for “I’m the one that needs help.” Toward a theory of help-seeking behavior. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI: 10.1177/08862605221084340. To be awarded November 2022 at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Online Learning Journal. anonymous peer reviewer, 2022-present
Qualitative Social Work, anonymous peer reviewer, 2005-Present.
Society for Social Work and Research, Annual conference anonymous abstract reviewer 2007-Present
2010-2022, Member, Secretary 2011-2021, Board of Directors, Turning Point for Women and Families, Flushing, NY 11367. Community-based non-profit for Muslim women and children affected by domestic violence. Provided educational training and consultation on mental health and trauma-informed practice to staff social workers, social work interns, and domestic violence counselors.
University Service
University Service
Academic Standards Committee: Co-Chair, January 2018-2022, member, 2001-2010,2013-2022. Chair, September 2001-August 2002.
Curriculum Committee, 2001-2003, 2004-2013; 2022-
Chair, January 2007-Fall 2010. Led faculty review and revision of all BSW and MSW courses. Wrote curriculum chapter for successful re-accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education in 2009-2010. Acting Chair, January 2012-May 2012
Social Work Faculty Search Committee:
Chair: 2013-2014, and 2014-2015. Coordinated successful search for two tenure-track faculty positions in two successive years. Member, 2001-2002, 2002-2003.
Social Action Committee: 2016-2022.
Co-chair, 2018-2022. Co-coordinated successful remote student social justice initiative, Adelphi Social Work Social Action 2021, Racial Justice. Adelphi Social Work Social Action 2022, Environmental Justice. https://www.adelphi.edu/social-work/hands-on-learning/social-action/
Licensing Committee: 2020-2021. Member.
Human Behavior Sequence Committee: 1998-present. Member. Point person for SWK 710, Social Work Diagnosis and Assessment
Teaching Discussion Committee: Co-Chair, 2019-2022.
Teaching Excellence Award Committee, 2020, 2021. Alan Schoenfeld, chair.
Faculty Committee on Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, 2013-2016. Debbi Smith, Chair, 2013-2014; Lahney Preston Matto, Chair, 2014-2015. Patricia Joyce: Chair 2015-2016.
Ad-hoc Task Force on University Service, 2023, Lawrence Hobbie, Chair. Developed suggested university service guidelines for a new collective bargaining agreement.
Ad-hoc Task Force on Online Learning, 2013-2014, Terrence Ross, Chair.
Senate Committee on Academic Information Technology, January 2009-2011. Marilyn Klainberg and Susan Eichenholz, Co-chairs.
Links provided to external websites, including personal faculty sites, do not imply an endorsement by Adelphi University of those sites, their content, or associated products and services.